Example sentences of "[vb past] to use [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She confirmed that when seeing each other they always tried to use separate entrances and exits .
2 However , a problem arose when one tried to use such theories to construct a model of the atom .
3 In 1815 , during the making of the Vienna settlement , both the Russian and the Habsburg ambassadors in London tried to use British newspapers to arouse opposition to Castlereagh 's policies and weaken his position in the negotiations .
4 It should not have been a surprise that companies sought to use that range of permissible techniques to present their results in the best light .
5 The Labour councils sought to use low fares as both a part of their overall planning policies and a means of redistributing income in favour of lower income groups .
6 In 1941 Hitler sought to use Hungarian territory for his attack on Yugoslavia .
7 Er it does n't mean that you always got to use simple language .
8 The UN relief authorities planned to use five aircraft to transport 10,000 tonnes of food a month .
9 My coach and I planned to use this meeting as training and it just turned out to be bad training . ’
10 This gave rise to speculation that Suchard planned to use these funds to launch another takeover bid , possibly for Cadbury Schweppes .
11 Farmers over another 22,400 hectares , would merely be given advice and asked to use less fertiliser ; there would be no money for them , and no other sanctions ( The Swells , Gloucestershire ; Bircham and Fring , Norfolk ; Sedgeford , Norfolk ; Fowlmere , Cambs ; Far Baulker , Notts ; Dotton and Colaton , Devon ; Cringle Brook , Lincs and Leics ; and Bourne Brook , Warwicks ) .
12 Although the technology existed to use these constructs as hosts for human personas , this was yet another procedure outlawed by Tech-Green .
13 Then , as time went on and hypnosis gained credibility and was thought of as more than just a form of stage entertainment , more and more hypnotherapists began to use present-life regression in their work .
14 Then during the 19505 , the searchers began to use high-powered microscopes on some particularly enigmatic rocks .
15 About this time some members of the Scottish field staff began to use petrological microscopes to identify the rocks from their mapping areas .
16 This " cooling-off period " would , however , ease the Grand Duchy 's labour market shortages , which needed to use cross-border workers to fill the bulk of new jobs .
17 The Sikorsky 's commander reported that the helicopter was heavy and that he needed to use high power ( varying between 75 and 95 per cent torque ) to hover-taxi .
18 Metabolism of butyrate was optimal at 1 mM ( Fig 3 ) and for this reason we decided to use 1 mM butyrate for the remainder of the study .
19 So I made an approach , a long low approach and happily there was a bit of a crosswind from the portside , I decided to use this crosswind to help me place the aircraft at the end of my run off the normal line of landing and nearer to the engineering hangar .
20 Requests by bureaux for the supply of CPAG 's Supplementary Benefit and Family Income Supplement by John Mesher had been increasing and so the IPG decided to use this opportunity to survey which reference books the bureaux used in practice as social security reference books .
21 They decided to upgrade their horses by using foreign stallions , but as they were unable to buy Arabian stallions they decided to use English Thoroughbreds instead .
22 I said to the NFU and in my press statement that I reserved the right to take emergency action if , for instance , people in this country started to use coloured lenses for chickens , which would be outrageous — I would stop it before it started .
23 Erm , this is something that I started to use last year .
24 Willmott ( 1966 ) chose to use young Australians and New Zealanders in his research into the activities of adolescent boys , on the assumption that they would be seen by the boys as neutral as far as class and social background were concerned .
25 The truth was , of course , that he was in love with someone else and chose to use poor Isabel as a scapegoat . ’
26 In each case God chose to use natural disorders to confound Pharaoh and the gods of Egypt ( 12:12 ) .
27 Although some Protestants , such as Bishop Hooper , argued that a single-roomed effect was more appropriate to the new Protestant liturgy and the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers , the compartmental interior of the church with a separate nave and chancel divided by a huge rood screen was usually left unaltered , and in many parishes ministers chose to use different parts of the church for distinct types of corporate worship : the nave for matins and evensong , the side chapels for weekday services , and the chancel and sanctuary for Holy Communion .
28 Some missionaries in the Sukuma , Nyemwezi , Chagga and Haya language areas preferred to use these languages in evangelism and religious literature .
29 ‘ Its view was , that while Lotus 1-2-3 is the business when it comes to reporting , it preferred to use Micro Control for its consolidation , ’ says Mr Henderson .
30 For example , Vivaldi liked to use three-phrase sentences .
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