Example sentences of "[vb past] to come [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Still , when the chance arose to come to London , we pounced on it .
2 The moorland in the South West Peak was proposed for ESA status in 1991 and the designation failed to come into force this summer as planned .
3 Students who drop out or who fail their college courses are often those who failed to come to terms quickly with their new environment and to make the necessary personal adjustments to fit into that environment .
4 Although this project failed to come to fruition even with Apple behind it — it was to lead us indirectly into more than a decade of adventuring in some of the most remote regions of Indonesia .
5 The London County Council ( 1961 ) had wanted a New Town at Hook , in Hampshire , planning a compact settlement designated for universal car ownership and complete pedestrian segregation , but Hampshire County Council preferred major town-expansion schemes at Andover and Basingstoke , and the proposal failed to come to fruition .
6 The trainers loved him and some , like Beamish , took it as a mortal insult when he failed to come in person to minister to their valuable charges .
7 This change has been recommended by the Legal Services Ombudsman , and will require a change in the law , expected to come into force at the beginning of 1994 .
8 Mr Kidd said he already had anecdotal evidence of US conventions pulling out of the UK : ‘ One conference of surgeons and one group of insurance sales staff , who planned to come to London for two weeks , could not find a hotel they were happy with . ’
9 The two leaders also agreed that visa and currency exchange-free travel to East Germany for West Germans and West Berliners , planned to come into force next January , would be brought forward to December 24 .
10 I asked to come to Grendon , I did n't like it when i got here , it took a lot of getting used
11 Ray Wilkins agreed to come to Tyneside last week but subsequently turned down a playercoach job because his wife did n't want to leave London .
12 Twenty-seven year old Middlesbrough born midfielder Paul Lemon , who has played over 100 games for Sunderland , agreed to come to Derry on a short term contract and makes his League of Ireland debut this afternoon .
13 A small hospital built of wood and bamboo and thatched with palm leaves , with one ward for about ten beds , a labour room and a room for Avice , was built , and six village girls agreed to come for training .
14 The most telling accounts were to be seen in the local press whose journalists had gone along on routine reporting assignments and tried to come to terms with the decidedly un-pop star look of the performers on stage .
15 Nell digested the startling fact and tried to come to terms with the idea of this creature ever being a ship 's mascot .
16 As Mrs Pratley , 42 , tried to come to terms with her husband Brian 's death , a court official phoned to tell her she was out on the streets .
17 As the NCF tried to come to terms with the fact that most of its supporters were opting for the Home Office scheme , bitter arguments broke out .
18 While a crushed Roward tried to come to terms with the fact that he would be out of a job after the Hong Kong Sevens for Simpkin it was a goal realised after four long years in the territory as its technical director .
19 In the aftermath of Mountbatten 's murder in August 1979 , Charles 's friendship with Lady Amanda developed and he spent several weekends in her company as they tried to come to terms with their loss .
20 Staring blankly after Leo , Hilary tried to come to terms with what had happened .
21 Discussing the situation after morning surgery , Joanna , Helen and Sophie tried to come to terms with the way things were working out .
22 She sat pondering while Sophie tried to come to terms with Robert 's seemingly incomprehensible plan .
23 As she endeavoured to come to terms with the realities of her marriage and royal life , there were moments in those early years when Diana sensed that she actually could cope and could make a positive contribution to the royal family and the wider nation .
24 And then things seemed to come into focus .
25 They seemed to come into focus only slowly , a silent mass of tightly packed yellow faces glistening with perspiration ; scores of dark eyes had been watching him unwaveringly all the time , but their expressions remained uniformly blank .
26 Tommy 's face seemed to come to life .
27 The sound seemed to come in waves , getting louder and louder , then fading away .
28 But I did n't go to the altar ; to be honest it was n't for lack of offers , but because they always seemed to come from people I would n't have been caught dead at an altar with .
29 Eleanor accepted the invitation in the end , but opted to come to tea .
30 The child , it was thought , came into the world as a formless , inert blob of clay which was then moulded by parents , teachers , society , or whatever other forces he happened to come into contact with , and the shape that he eventually assumed was therefore entirely due to the characteristics others had decided to implant in him .
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