Example sentences of "[vb past] themselves to [art] " in BNC.

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1 The gang helped themselves to a video , leather jacket , private letters plus bits and pieces to the tune of £1,000 before fleeing .
2 He was told to unlock the premises and his assailants then helped themselves to a large quantity of cigarettes and cash .
3 Thieves helped themselves to a number of televisions off the back of a lorry parked at Woodside Cafe , at Knayton , near Thirsk , while the driver had his breakfast .
4 Eventually , the bloody turf wars ceased , and for a long time the authorities either winked at their illegal trade or even helped themselves to the till .
5 On the first day , Chris left out a bowl of fruit and the children — unused to seeing such a wide variety — helped themselves to the lot .
6 Mr Hutchinson managed to raise the alarm but the two men helped themselves to the cash and made off in the car driven by Wishart , of no fixed abode .
7 Six per cent ( 11 ) spoke to a nurse and 1% ( two ) referred themselves to a special clinic .
8 A significant minority of our survey subjects referred themselves to the GP , drugs counsellor , and so on .
9 Into the nineteenth century , as I have mentioned , I middle-class houses were regarded as a scaling down of the houses of the great , while a majority of novels still referred themselves to the dominant mansion at their centre .
10 We note that it came top of the apostles ' agenda when the members of the brand new church ‘ devoted themselves to the apostles ’ teaching' ( Acts 2:2 ) .
11 The Fabians , Sidney and Beatrice Webb in particular , devoted themselves to the analysis of social and economic conditions .
12 When monks from France and Flanders were settled in the Border abbeys in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries they introduced new skills , and also devoted themselves to the expansion of sheep rearing to provide the necessary basic material .
13 The Women 's Industrial Council ( a group of primarily middle class women who devoted themselves to the investigation of working women 's problems ) went so far as to suggest that such a form of provision was inappropriate for women and merely intensified the ‘ regrettable tendency to consider the work of a wife and mother in her home of no money value ’ .
14 Here these Cornish sappers dedicated themselves to the work they knew best , digging defensive trenches and building parapets as well as blowing up houses blocking the range of the gunnery .
15 Thus , at the very moment when the common menace receded , the Twelve committed themselves to a common defence policy .
16 In June 1991 all EC members except the UK committed themselves to a minimum standard VAT rate of 15 per cent from January 1993 [ see p. 38297 ] .
17 Under the terms of an agreement , signed on July 14 , the two parties committed themselves to a temporary truce from July 19 to be followed by a complete ceasefire on July 31 .
18 In 1980 these countries committed themselves to the concept of health for all by the year 2000 .
19 There was no direct reference to socialism or communism ; the republics that committed themselves to the treaty would rather be bound to respect the principles of democracy , human rights as defined by international agreements , and social justice .
20 They also agreed to resume constitutional negotiations , suspended since June [ see p. 38948 ] , and committed themselves to the election of a constituent assembly and the inauguration of a non-racial transitional government as soon as possible .
21 Explaining why the authorities changed their mind and committed themselves to the transfer of land is a prime difficulty in the history of the emancipation .
22 Meeting within the framework of the UN 's Economic Commission for Europe in Prague , Czechoslovakia , ministers also committed themselves to the creation of a pan-European system to disseminate information on environmental issues and the prompt creation of a European environmental agency .
23 The two sides to the civil war which had raged in the capital , Mogadishu , since mid-November committed themselves to an immediate ending of hostilities at UN-sponsored peace negotiations in New York on Feb. 14 .
24 Meeting in Budapest on March 6 the defence ministers of Czechoslovakia , Hungary and Poland sought to co-ordinate policy towards NATO 's North Atlantic Co-operation Council ; they committed themselves to an " open barracks " policy along similar lines to the existing " open skies " policy but stressed that they wished to act in the spirit of dialogue and consultation rather than to set up a closed grouping .
25 They affiliated themselves to the mendicant orders such as the Franciscans and Dominicans for their religious authentication , and engaged themselves , like their mendicant counterparts , in active participation of their faith , managing numerous charitable enterprises and conducting their own daily evening devotional services .
26 When numbers of priestesses dressed in this way and danced themselves to a pitch of religious ecstasy , the sight must have inspired awe among the beholders .
27 Women who consecrated themselves to the goddess in like manner cut off one or both breasts .
28 Gorbachev had made an official visit to India in November 1986 , concluding with the signature of a ‘ Delhi Declaration ’ in which both sides pledged themselves to the peaceful resolution of international disputes .
29 Chests like that belonged to a different age , a dangerous age of swashbucklers , and buccaneers who gloried in their toughness , stripped themselves to the elements , and laughed , bare-chested , into the teeth of icy sea-winds .
30 For 1,000 years the Venetian Republic stood in the forefront of naval power and development , and down the generations ships of every kind , warlike and peaceful , simple and grandiose , displayed themselves to the world in these waters .
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