Example sentences of "[vb past] to be taking " in BNC.

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1 The full-scale attack which she believed to be taking place was therefore seen as a fundamental and all-encompassing attack upon Christianity .
2 The sense of disappointment that hangs over the rest of his career reflects the loss of nerve that came from finding that , at the moment when his career seemed to be taking off , there were no opportunities to build on what he had achieved .
3 It was decisive and at times attracted public support because she seemed to be taking action which the public overwhelmingly thought was right but never thought any government would have the nerve to carry out .
4 Events , at last , seemed to be taking on a constructive momentum of their own .
5 Muldoon seemed to be taking a long time over his coffee .
6 But back in the mid-Eighties he seemed to be taking his role a little too seriously .
7 She felt that the children did not like her because of this and seemed to be taking less and less notice of her .
8 She resented the way in which he seemed to be taking over , insinuating himself into the family as cunningly as he once had in Oxford .
9 Violence and division seemed to be taking its place .
10 And a change seemed to be taking place inside Ruth ; she no longer felt stolid and sensible .
11 The chapter concentrates upon a particular moment in the story of British fascism , when this ideological tradition seemed to be taking a new turn .
12 For the present , in the daytime , he was abruptly fed up with the lot : himself , his insufficiency , the toll that his financial state seemed to be taking of his wife , and the colossally polite head of his stepson , hanging over him now as if it had a miniature keg of brandy around its neck .
13 I seemed to be taking up more than my share of the space , and the grief was bad again .
14 I stood on tip-toes to look round the hall ; a paper-plane battle seemed to be taking place at one end .
15 Lewis seemed to be taking it as a personal insult that the family had come to the Hebrides for their summer holiday .
16 The stuff relinquished its grip upon him readily enough , drifting away to join the main mass of the stuff as it clustered around the end of the Bridge , where some kind of subtle activity seemed to be taking place .
17 Roman seemed to be taking his time over the comparatively short trip , lowering the throttle so that they chugged sedately .
18 Matthew Prescott seemed to be taking a heck of a time to open the door .
19 Further along the bay , it seemed to be taking five flunkeys in grey uniforms a lot of effort to usher one middle-aged man into a chauffeur-driven Bentley .
20 But his face was serious now , and he seemed to be taking an inordinate interest in the grain of his desktop .
21 One thing about him struck Pumfrey as being unboyish : he seemed to be taking no pleasure from being so sensationally at the centre of things .
22 He had sent for a copy , but the bureaucratic machine seemed to be taking its time .
23 First the man insulted her , and now he seemed to be taking a perverse delight in taunting her .
24 The questions she had feared earlier seemed to be taking physical shape in the shadowy corners of the room , phantoms waiting to trap her if she dropped her guard for so much as a second .
25 He seemed to be taking her continued help for granted now — issuing his orders .
26 She had expected more censure , more blame , but instead Fen seemed to be taking everything upon himself .
27 When Kostomarov , probably in collaboration with kindred spirits , wrote an emotive tract which concluded by saying that " Ukraine will become an independent People 's State in a Slavonic union " , his cultural activities seemed to be taking on clear political overtones .
28 Chemistry in turn , even ‘ organic chemistry ’ , was considerably more advanced than the life-sciences , which just seemed to be taking off into an era of exciting progress .
29 devoted to the question of of of road transport and its limitations and erm er although again I mean there was no particular mention to any party other than the Government , erm it it certainly seemed to be taking a very critical view of of road transport and it does seem to be spreading now .
30 Twenty-four hours ago she had been barely aware of his existence ; now he seemed to be taking over her life !
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