Example sentences of "[vb past] the decision as " in BNC.

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1 Centred on one Sir Colenso Rigeon , a caricature of Wright , it concerned the decision as to which of the two men should be saved from death — a sixpenny doctor ( ’ an honest decent man , but is he any use ? ’ ) or a scoundrel of an artist ( ’ a rotten background , but he 's a genuine source of pretty and pleasant and good things ’ ) .
2 John Keown , MA ( Cantab ) DPhil ( Oxon ) , Lecturer in Law , University of Cambridge , described the decision as ‘ seriously flawed ’ .
3 Alan Mattingly of the Ramblers ' Association ( RA ) described the decision as ‘ a slap in the face by Prince Charles to the National Parks Review Panel who recommended only last March that live firing should be removed from national parks as quickly as possible . ’
4 Federal Finance Minister Vaclav Klaus described the decision as " disloyal " , and the Slovak privatization ministry also opposed the delay .
5 The new Environment Commissioner , Karel van Miert , described the decision as " reasonable and pragmatic " .
6 Alaska 's Attorney General described the decision as " extremely unfortunate " , adding : " It 's like a murderer shooting someone , calling the police to report it , and receiving immunity . "
7 His refusal on condition that the husband and mistress put themselves in sexual ‘ quarantine ’ was overturned in the Appeal Court , where one judge described the decision as ‘ indefensible . ’
8 The Consumers ' Association , which last month gave Airtours the thumbs down in a Holiday Which ? report on tour operators , described the decision as ‘ baffling ’ and ‘ a severe disappointment ’ .
9 Morland J. regarded the decision as made per incuriam and , therefore , not binding upon him , on the ground that , by reason of section 19 of the Public Bodies Corrupt Practices Act 1889 ( 52 & 53 Vict. c. 69 ) , a local authority could be guilty of corruption .
10 An earlier instruction to staff forbidding further publicity meant that little was known by press or public about this exhibition The art world condemned the decision as excessively cautious , suggesting an embarrassment about the subject of death which people never felt in previous centuries .
11 Conservation groups hailed the decision as enlightened , and there was little criticism from the fishing industry .
12 Environmentalists hailed the decision as going a long way towards meeting the demands of campaigns in favour of preserving Antarctica .
13 However , both environmentalists and the timber industry denounced the decision as inadequate .
14 It was as if both of them accepted the decision as inevitable after their conversation , however curious and illogical it seemed .
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