Example sentences of "[vb past] been a bit " in BNC.

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1 But I realised I 'd been a bit heavy .
2 He 'd been a bit scared of her before , but he was even more so now she was acting as if she was n't right in the head .
3 Thought he 'd been a bit hurt when we grabbed him .
4 He 'd been a bit funny , quiet-like , ever since they 'd arrived at Thorsbury Manor .
5 ‘ Educationally and professionally , I 'd been a bit of a prodigy — always the youngest in my league .
6 I 'd been a bit dithery for a few days , sort of clumsy and absentminded , as you often get when you 're feeling under the weather .
7 If we had , if we 'd been a bit more rigorous with our criteria , our group would have got smaller .
8 After that , there 'd been a bit of a void between floundering furiously in the deep waters of the Mediterranean — her denims weighing her down and her bikini-top , evidently not refastened securely enough , doing a treacherous disappearing act — and being hauled into strong male arms , dragged aboard a strange boat , then deposited on a plush banquette seat , feeling decidedly under-dressed for the occasion …
9 ‘ She 'd been a bit bored , ’ she said .
10 All right , so she 'd been a bit odd since Ryan had left .
11 I thought that maybe I 'd been a bit harsh last night . ’
12 In answer to Merrill 's questioning face , he went on , ‘ I think I once told you that I 'd been a bit — wild .
13 ‘ If only I 'd been a bit more sophisticated when we first got married . ’
14 I just assumed they were trying to cut back as they had been a bit too lavish .
15 He still jumped well , but if it had been a bit softer he would have been up there . ’
16 The mock election has been organised by Mr Ian Gerrard , a history master , chairman of the Literary and Debating Society and returning officer , who confessed that it had been a bit of a ‘ sleazy ’ campaign .
17 Anyway , it seemed nobody could touch him when he was ten ahead but he was playing with Kel Nagle , and ever since 1960 Kel had been a bit like Arnold 's bogy man .
18 If only she had been a bit more accommodating , a bit more enthusiastic .
19 There was no doubt , however , that Mr Lee could have made the situation a little easier for himself , and his staff , if he had been a bit more open with the press .
20 It is not pleasant to be shot at , and even the pleasure of being missed is spoilt by the mind 's habit of constructing alternative scenarios ; if the machine-gunner had been a bit quicker to react , or had led us with more skill , we would now be nothing but a heap of molten metal somewhere in the sea-grape .
21 The Store nomes liked sleeping on fancy bits of carpet , but Masklin 's bed had been a bit of wood .
22 Another voice had said , ‘ Then why do n't you have a go ? ’ and the answer had been a bit of a scuffle and more laughter .
23 Ian was boyish , athletic , charming , and , Clare suspected , terrified of his fortieth birthday : there had been a bit of the Peter Pan in Sam , and Clare recognized the symptoms .
24 In the early days I had been a bit disappointed that the NUJ had n't immediately leapt to John 's defence , but ever since I had first been to see the General Secretary , Harry Conroy , and his assistant , Tom Nash , the union had done what it could to respond to what was asked of them .
25 He had been a bit of a gay dog before that , he remembered , enjoying himself freely like all young men of his age and class .
26 Mrs Darrell was in her middle thirties , was tall and statuesque and had been a bit of a beauty in her day .
27 Maybe there had been a bit of floating going on there after all ?
28 ‘ Though he had been a bit more interested in driving recently .
29 Even so , the older woman 's reactions had been a bit over the top .
30 If the law had been a bit tougher in the beginning just maybe it would n't have happened , maybe I 'd have my husband here , maybe my children would have their father with them .
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