Example sentences of "[vb past] n't seem [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I would have had it done , ’ said the owner , a small , pale woman , ‘ but I 'm selling up to go and live with my sister and it did n't seem worth it . ’
2 She felt too lethargic to speak : it did n't seem worth the effort .
3 But somehow it did n't seem worth it . ’
4 Somehow it did n't seem worth it .
5 When I was down there , in the desert , it did n't seem worth pretending any more . ’
6 ‘ You 're the English male , ’ she 'd said , which did n't seem worth denying .
7 I only had one bit to do on that section ; it did n't seem worth it . ’
8 But , looking into her face , it did n't seem as if her years of freedom had been particularly kind to her .
9 But it did n't seem as if doing any of these things would help .
10 It did n't seem as if the awful man was listening to one word of what she was saying !
11 A sudden wave of panic swept over her and she glanced at the others but it did n't seem as if she was going to learn anything for the moment .
12 She did n't seem at all bothered that Gloria and Dot would have to go trudging off to another hospital somewhere else to find him .
13 It did n't seem at all surprising that she 'd slowed down a little .
14 Paul came in and did n't seem at all surprised by the theatrics when the curtains opened revealing the four of us .
15 I made myself a coffee and went to bed , pausing to look in and say goodnight to Nigel on the way , which at the time , and since , did n't seem at all an unusual thing to do .
16 ‘ But the doctors did n't seem at all surprised , ’ said Caroline , from Thurlby , South Lincolnshire
17 But she did n't seem at all angry , just amused .
18 He did n't seem at ease .
19 It did n't seem at all likely that it could have anything to do with Stavanger , and corpses in the Thames , alas , are not all that infrequent .
20 Dana was bewitching when she smiled like that and Roman did n't seem at all annoyed by her persistence .
21 She did n't seem at all the worse for drink . ’
22 There was a curtness to her tone , but Debbie did n't seem at all perturbed as she grinned at them both .
23 She was doing well at college , all her work was up to date and she did n't seem at all under pressure .
24 perhaps it was burnt down and re-built or something did n't seem at all tudorish did it ?
25 Did n't seem at all then did he ?
26 Because Sandy was embarked on a marriage and a career pointing him in a more conventional direction than mine , planning the sort of life that looked to me to have more obviously evolved from the background I 'd put behind me , it did n't seem to me that he would have had the wherewithal — ‘ morally ’ , as I would have been quick to say then — to help me through my predicament or , if he did , that it was possible for me with my values , to solicit his assistance .
27 Perhaps nothing , but as she waited for money which did n't seem to be coming , it was fairly certain the crash was going to mean something .
28 She never managed to meet up with Vivienne and , as there did n't seem to be much happening at Dingwalls , we decided to drive down to Brighton , all of us crammed into the back of the Mini van .
29 They did n't seem to be embarrassed , whereas I used to try and hide everything and felt conscious of myself . ’
30 There did n't seem to be anything to do but to close the door , which I did .
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