Example sentences of "[vb past] on either [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He had a momentary vision of the tall , proud tower blocks that rose on either side of him collapsing in a cloud of dust .
2 The Sunday afternoon walk along the lanes was always interesting , even to very young children , for the high banks towered on either side of us , covered in wild flowers — campions , hemp agrimony , foxgloves , honeysuckle and many , many more .
3 The hair was now centrally parted , and crimped on either side of the face .
4 Cambridge House Legal Advice Centre and Mary Ward Settlement Centre flourished on either side of the Thames .
5 They walked on either side of me and talked to each other , jabbering utter nonsense as though it was all so important , and I , with more brains than the two of them put together and information of the most vital nature , could n't get a word out .
6 Potrovsky had waxed and polished the car the night before and had even gone as far as to iron the two pennants which flew on either side of the bonnet .
7 Mrs Hollidaye and Loopy Lil settled on either side of the bedroom fire with the dogs on the carpet between them .
8 The huge whorled fingers uncurled and passed on either side of his waist .
9 The tangled hedgerows that grew on either side had almost strangled it into being permanently closed .
10 Apple trees grew on either side of the double-sided small house , and behind it the land rose smoothly to a small wood that followed the ridge of a hill .
11 The zig-zag stripes of trench-systems lay on either side like the skin shed by a massive snake .
12 The idea of a roadway supported on either side by a coal pillar and supported in the er in the beam of the roof er by er roof bolts making that beam stronger , so that the sides will support the beam , is a good one .
13 They set out up the hillside , going slowly , picking their way from one bush and tussock to another and pausing continually to sniff and stare along the great expanse of grass , which stretched on either side as far as they could see .
14 Carlo and McGowan stood on either side of the embalmer , he might 've been in custody .
15 As they stood on either side of the door looking at one another she felt as if a magic elixir was being created , ready to cure a disease .
16 He and his sister stood on either side of the bed , bending over her as if to protect her from the perils of the night with their own flesh and bone .
17 Two young Romanians came and stood on either side of me at the mirror .
18 He indicated one of the big Chesterfields which stood on either side of the fireplace .
19 With heavy hearts we stood on either side of the broken body .
20 Their eyes were identically glazed in male and female as they stood on either side of a seated broadclothed patriarch .
21 Stren Withel hesitated hallway to the door as several very large trolls ducked under the doorway and stood on either side of the fat man , blinking in the light .
22 Glaring from one to the other as they stood on either side of the bed , she said crossly to Lucy , ‘ So you 've brought him to see me at last .
23 Music played softly in the background as they stood on either side of the hearth , smiling uncertainly at one another like former lovers reunited after a long absence and wondering whether they still had anything in common .
24 Indeed , the dagger could have come from anywhere : a darkened window , a shadowed door or from the top of any of the low squat buildings which stood on either side of the alleyway .
25 Allen drove a long stick through the heron and they sat on either side of the fire , turning the spit as they talked .
26 ‘ What a beautiful young woman , ’ the young man thought , and , unaware of their own narcissism , they sat on either side of the pinewood table for all the world as if they really were twins , recently separated and reuniting in astonishment .
27 Ten Americans and one Englishman sat on either side of a long gleaming wooden table .
28 They had unwound their arms from round each other , and they sat on either side of the small table , held by brackets to the bulkhead .
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