Example sentences of "[coord] all [art] evidence " in BNC.

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1 spreading by the blood , the bacilli become established in every part of the body and thus overcome the patient , not so much by local damage as by the great general toxaemia , which produces symptoms not unlike those of typhoid fever – irregular fever , rapid pulse , dry skin and all the evidence of raging pyrexia , leading to delirium and coma , followed almost inevitably by a fatal termination .
2 ‘ I would not wish to make the argument that we 're sinking scientifically , ’ says Sir Eric , ‘ but there are signs that the squeeze has gone too far and that any further squeeze — and all the evidence suggests there is another bit of squeeze in store for us this coming year — will do real damage which will not be easy to recover from . ’
3 They will also ask The Post Office for a reply to your complaint and all the evidence they have so that the arbitrator can consider both sides of the case .
4 ‘ What the campaign is seeking is a Meirionnydd-based authority , and all the evidence indicates that the people of Meirionnydd are backing us strongly . ’
5 Select committees have had substantial coverage , but all the evidence suggests — and this is my own impression , having served or attended many committees over the years and now seeing them on television — that , with a few minor modifications , the ways these committees work is little changed .
6 But all the evidence suggests that it has one staring error — the researchers ' names .
7 And just over the horizon is a host of commercial massively parallel processors : the jury is still out on whether machines from the likes of Kendall Square Research Inc will really be able to slip into the mantle discarded by the mainframe , but all the evidence suggests that they will .
8 But all the evidence indicates that God is an inveterate gambler and that He throws the dice on every possible occasion .
9 At a time when there is more sympathetic treatment of rape cases and domestic violence , there is greater reporting , thank goodness , but all the evidence shows that there is under-reporting of burglary as people become worried about making claims against their insurance policies .
10 But all the evidence to be gathered from his colourful career points to only one possible conclusion .
11 As I have said , he started to make a try at listening , but all the evidence is that the public is very deeply worried at standards in our schools and at the under resourcing of education , crumbling schools , lack of books and , frankly , the very low morale of very many teachers .
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