Example sentences of "[coord] she heard [art] " in BNC.

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1 She was aware of a new sense of urgency in the theatre and she heard a female voice saying : ‘ I think we 're going to lose her . ’
2 At once the footsteps started after her , and she heard a voice calling out .
3 A soundless cry parted her lips and her body arched , instinctively seeking his , but when his hand lifted to unfasten the neck of her shift and she heard a sharp , tearing sound a shaft of fear lanced through the delirium , wrenching her abruptly into full wakefulness .
4 Fen had followed the direction of her eyes and she heard a sound which this time could be interpreted as amusement .
5 The door of the house opened , and she heard a few words exchanged between David and his grandmother .
6 Tentatively , her lips returned the brush of his , and she heard a moan deep in his throat .
7 She heard her own heartbeat , alarmingly rapid , and she heard the sea in her ears .
8 She just sat on the stairs eating biscuit after biscuit until , just before midnight , the telephone rang and she heard the voice of the surgeon telling her that the operation was over , that it had been a complete success and that Paul was likely to make a rapid recovery It was after that call that Annette realised that she had steadily munched her way through two and a half packets of biscuits .
9 And she heard the people , the shouting below , Rubberneck , full handfuls , dispensing her alms .
10 There was a sensation of rushing white coldness , scentless , but obliterating the faint tang of the tea and she heard the low growling roar of the sea .
11 The sepia vase hurtled across the room and she heard the crash as it shattered against the tiles , heard the slamming of the door and running footsteps .
12 After a moment , she turned away and she heard the door close quietly behind him .
13 Philip and she heard the kitchen door slam again , excluding both of them .
14 He got back into the car and she heard the door slam , the engine accelerate and the tyres slide again on the gravel .
15 He drove it out of the garage , and she heard the high-pitched , wheezing motor with dread .
16 As they came nearer to the warmly lit lounge , the soft hum of conversation filtered over to her , and she heard the faint clink of a glass being replaced on a table .
17 And then , just when she felt compelled to look once more into the strong , handsome face , the moment was gone and the Jaguar purred into life and she heard the angry rev of the engine as he thrust the car into gear and roared away .
18 It came out as an exclamation , and she heard the controller mutter something uncomplimentary through the headphones , but she did n't care .
19 ‘ Not in my pool , it is n't , ’ he called back , and she heard the far-off dull thud of a door .
20 His tone was still laconic but she heard the undertones and was warned .
21 But she heard the thin , childlike voice with its very sing-song quality , cutting across the stupefying silence after another huge growl .
22 What Dagmar said then sounded like ‘ a dream ’ ; she could n't hear what answer Rose made to that , but she heard the words ‘ missing ’ and ‘ blood ’ .
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