Example sentences of "[coord] at [det] level " in BNC.

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1 How frequently do people leave the job , or at that level ?
2 ‘ To identify issues vital to national development which can be woven into the fabric of curriculum materials for different subjects at particular levels or at all levels using the spiral approach .
3 One could then find out what else was available on emigration , or on Cornish tin-miners , or on southern Wisconsin , or the nineteenth century , or any permutation of two or more in relation to other topics , such as the design of houses or the techniques of mining , or at another level of student understanding , or another format entirely .
4 The application of systematic thinking to , for instance , the courses offered by the Open University has resulted in the production of syllabuses , learning methods and study materials which are not only of extremely high quality but are profoundly influencing the approach of teachers and administrators all over the world and at many levels of educational activity .
5 In each subject , and at each level , there is a learning book and an accompanying ‘ write-in ’ workbook .
6 Thus , systems are hierarchical and at each level the unit is considered as a functional rather than a physical entity .
7 This conclusion is strongly supported by our studies of men and women in Hertfordshire and Preston in which reduced fetal growth was associated with high blood pressure , impaired glucose tolerance , and raised plasma fibrinogen and factor VII concentrations in each social class and at each level of cigarette smoking , alcohol consumption , and obesity .
8 Thus each level of a hierarchy directs the action of those ‘ lower down ’ , ultimate authority resides with those at the ‘ top ’ , and at each level those involved carry out more narrowly defined tasks with less and less autonomy .
9 May be , but it is also surely the duty of someone like Mr Chatrier , as a leading official of an organisation responsible for the continuing prosperity of tennis worldwide and at all levels , to draw everyone 's attention to such dangers .
10 The group welcomes amateurs and professionals of all ages and at all levels , and stresses that even the absolute beginner can come along unabashed .
11 The group welcomes amateurs and professionals of all ages and at all levels , and stresses that even the absolute beginner can come along unabashed .
12 There are sixty activities , suitable for use with classes of all sizes and at all levels of general or ESP courses .
13 The consultants LMG Associates Ltd , working in collaboration with Sheffield Hallam University , have been appointed to conduct a comprehensive mapping exercise and initial analysis of job function of all scientists , of all disciplines and at all levels of qualification .
14 What is needed is an acceptance , in all departments and at all levels within the organisation , that the efficient provision of accurate , up-to-date , and relevant information — internally and externally — is one of RBGE 's most important priorities .
15 Amongst scientific instruments the microscope in particular is in use across almost all disciplines from life science to electronics and at all levels from routine inspection to research .
16 You have to try and improve trading skills and efficiency and it is vital to maintain organized groups of women and men who are committed to fighting locally and at all levels for ordinary decent decency and simple justice in the way people are treated of course , but we have got also to find ways of getting together to face those problems no one knows how to solve .
17 But there are many other interesting studies going on , concerned with all aspects and at all levels of education .
18 Exercising critical reason in this way , and at that level , is not a luxury , a mere add-on to the student 's programme of studies .
19 We can not do everything in a very limited time , so we must select what is essential on the fairest and most comprehensive basis possible : that is , what we think may help pupils to cope with , and make decisions about , things which happen to them — at any age and at any level ; and also what will encourage responsibility concerning the effects they themselves have on others .
20 And at another level he has to know and play every trick of the detective 's trade , which he is good at too .
21 The renegade or maverick Englishmen with whom they allied themselves — Ford , and at another level A.R .
22 Viewed from the perspective of the late-1980's , when archaic ideological attitudes and inflexible organisational structures have at one level unquestionably arrested the originally dynamic social development of the Soviet experiment , and at another level appear to have condemned the PCF to a peripheral status , if not imminent extinction , this seems strange .
23 In each novel the specific configuration of the two discourses , authoritative communist on the one hand , disorientating existential on the other , is the product of two overriding influences : first , the economic , political , ideological and cultural forces that together produced each particular text ; secondly , and this is but a super-structural reflection of the first point , Nizan 's divided ambitions as a novelist , attempting at one level to exploit bourgeois culture in order to disseminate communist ideology effectively ( the communist project ) , and at another level to create a cultural product of value beyond its immediate moment of production ( the bourgeois project ) .
24 In Art History the rehabilitation of artists and bodies of work which have been overlooked has been going on since Vasari made such a good job of classifying Florentine art that all other art in Italy and beyond has had to be defined , at least until this century , and at some level even now , in relation to Vasari 's classifications , or at least in relation to the model of stylistic evolution which he outlined .
25 Their remains are commoner from the Mesozoic onwards , and at some levels , as in the Cretaceous chalk , they can be found in considerable numbers .
26 The repertoire of transactions in which teachers engage their pupils when teaching X depends , among other things , on the nature of X and on the mental picture of the pupils ' developmental path held by the teacher ; the teaching will presumably be , in the teacher s eyes , consistent with these factors and at some levels , demonstratively effective .
27 The reach of corporatist theory is over ambitious : it makes sense of things but only with respect to some groups ; some issues ; some periods ; and at some levels of the state .
28 And at this level of stressful incompetence , escape into averageness seems a matter of chance rather than will .
29 This is found in natural waters in small quantities ( 3 p.p.m. or less ) and at this level is unlikely to cause any process trouble .
30 Above area councils , there will be district councils , community county councils and so forth , right up to the Ulster National Council — but at all levels the individuals will never be anything other than delegates responsible to the people .
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