Example sentences of "[coord] met the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Without the programme I would not have prepared a proper business plan or met the contacts essential to business ’ .
2 The path turned inland and met the road to Sandweg which cut through arable land , punctuated by low , brooding barns .
3 It was for Signora Kettering and her English upbringing told her that it was unthinkable to open letters addressed to someone else ; and yet as she came down the stairs and met the driver she had been taken , as she felt sure she was meant to be taken , for Signora Kettering .
4 Mr Brownlow came in , took off his gloves and met the Minister for Trade and Industry , the Rt .
5 Two days after seeing my surgeon and exactly a week before going into hospital , aided by my wife , I crawled up to London and met the hero of the book .
6 On a return visit to Fettes , Arthur Ramsey stayed with one of the housemasters and met the sister Agnes Wilson , who kept house there .
7 As they began to climb , Jinny looked back towards the sofa and met the boy 's eyes again .
8 ‘ Then one day a learned educationist visited the island and met the boy and was astonished at his understanding of many things and at the knowledge which he had developed round these things , and the educationist said to himself how wonderful it would be if every child in the land had the learning which this boy had built around the simple experiences which he had had with the bees , pigeons , flowers , vegetables , forestry and visits to York and Malham .
9 After the ceremony Sir Michael and Lady Graydon circulated amongst the guests and met the residents before partaking of an excellent buffet lunch provided by RAF Cottesmore — another example of the support given by the serving RAF .
10 Anyhow he went away and met the lady who became his wife in London , I believe , and they had a child .
11 If we returned to the road with our panniers full of food and met the Germans , they would probably stop and search us .
12 The killings exacerbated the discontent and the King was forced to act ; he quickly lifted the ban on political parties , dissolved parliament and met the MRD leaders for talks .
13 Faced with either crashing into the heavy gatepost or jumping the dark gaping ditch off far too short a stride , Hullabaloo tried to put in an extra stride and met the obstacle entirely wrong .
14 It was in this way that he was thinking when , with Lili by his side and their suitcases on a trolley he would abandon at the tube-station entrance , he looked up and met the eyes of Adam Verne-Smith .
15 Patrick looked round and met the eyes of the Detective Sergeant .
16 Last night both winners saw the SLF show at the Mayfair in Newcastle and met the band .
17 I visited a college there in , in that offshore island in the Indian Ocean and met the principal of that theological college and I said to him , I asked him how the college was going and he gave the same blandness to his answer as to my question and then he said of his theological college we are still training an aristocracy for the church and ensuring the inertia of the people of God .
18 In October of that year , Hickson and Jacques joined forces and met the Director of Education over the possibility of a combined approach to the development of adult education which would reflect the recommendations of Circular 1444 .
19 Lord Carrington travelled again to Belgrade on Nov. 22 , and met the UN special envoy to Yugoslavia , former US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance .
20 The King 's army was dispatched and met the rebels at a site now known as ‘ Bloody Oaks ’ , about five miles north-west of the town near Empingham .
21 Near Hawthornden Castle is Ben Jonson 's Tree ; the newly appointed Poet Laureate , Ben Jonson walked from London to Hawthornden in 1618 and met the Poet Drummond under this particular tree .
22 At Count Begouen 's Pyrenean château she saw the cave art nearby and met the Abbé Breuil .
23 Under current Government rules , only the first £10 is ignored but previously , both Middlesbrough and Langbaurgh ignored the whole pension and met the difference .
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