Example sentences of "[coord] brought out [art] " in BNC.

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1 Parkinson reached into an inside pocket and brought out a leather bound silver flask .
2 She reached in under this , into the wooden box beneath it , prised up a hinged board and brought out a package , wrapped in fine white linen , tied with tape , about and about and about , like a mummy .
3 The young gentleman reached down into the attaché case at his feet and brought out a notebook and pencil .
4 Corbett dug into his purse and brought out a few coins .
5 Mrs Bradford went to a drawer and brought out a small inlaid box .
6 Sarah rummaged under the bed for a tin box , opened it and brought out a piece of patchwork lined with blanket .
7 For a second I thought he was going to hit me , but then he reached into his jacket pocket and brought out a wallet that he unfolded and thrust towards me , giving me just enough time to see that he held the rank of chief inspector , one of the highest ranks in the Bahamian police force , then the wallet was snapped shut and Deacon Billingsley moved to stand very close to me , so close that I could smell the cigar smoke on his breath .
8 He put a hand into a pocket of his elegant duster coat and brought out a small .22 pistol that he pointed at my face .
9 Mrs Smith went to the wardrobe and brought out a yellow dress with pretty flowers and leaves all over it .
10 Then , balanced on the fingers of his left hand , he put his right into the pocket of his labcoat and brought out a packet of sweets .
11 He put his hand in his pocket and brought out a key .
12 He put a hand in a pocket and brought out a key , the duplicate of the one I had been given , which fitted both front and back doors .
13 He felt in his jacket pocket and brought out a pack of Juicy Fruits .
14 Hewlett-Packard Co has put a hard hat onto its HP Apollo 9000 Series 700 workstations and brought out a new Posix-compliant HP-RT 1.0 real-time operating system for them for factory-floor and control applications .
15 Mr Evans closed the shop for an extra half hour and brought out a bottle of sherry .
16 Poole reached in his pocket and brought out a note .
17 He unlocked one of the desk drawers , and brought out a battered tin cashbox .
18 Wakelate settled the man into a chair and brought out a dusty bottle of valerian wine .
19 He reached into his pocket and brought out a tiny leather box .
20 Mandeville fished in his purse and brought out a silver coin , rolling it in his fingers .
21 Eadred went and opened a great , iron-bound coffer and brought out a thick folio , leather bound and fastened by two small clasps .
22 The little guardian of the great gateway dug into his wallet and brought out a greasy scrap of parchment .
23 He put his hand in his jacket and brought out a small package .
24 He thrust his hand casually into his jeans pocket and brought out a folded piece of paper .
25 But when the landlord had left the room he reached into a pocket of his greatcoat and brought out a flat silver flask .
26 The George was busy with the stagecoach passengers , two of whom had gone in to bait , the others walking about to stretch their limbs while the ostlers led the exhausted cattle away and brought out a fresh team .
27 She put a hand in her apron pocket and brought out a sealed billet .
28 The Earl 's own eyes were moist , but he dug a hand into the pocket of his frock-coat and brought out a handkerchief .
29 He reached inside his doublet and brought out a white velvet purse .
30 He came towards me and stopped about 10 to 15 yards away , put his hand inside his bomber jacket and brought out a monster hand-held cannon which he pointed in my direction .
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