Example sentences of "[coord] opened the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He got up and opened the window even wider for more air .
2 Moving carefully , Benny stepped around the edges of the room , and opened the window shutters .
3 He climbed out of bed and opened the window .
4 She got up and opened the window .
5 During the night Ben suddenly woke up and remembering her , he hurriedly dressed and ran back to the wharf and opened the hatch .
6 And then he discomfited her utterly by keeping that silence until he had turned into the Hamiltons ' driveway , switched off the engine , and opened the boot to retrieve her luggage .
7 Cooper leaped out and opened the bonnet , to discover that a round had penetrated the cylinder block .
8 When she had finished , she wrapped her thick winter cloak around herself , picked up a basket of her bread and opened the cabin door .
9 Hothersall welcomed everyone and opened the Rally with the U.C.M. prayers for vocations .
10 The sarcasm seemed to relieve him a little and he took the black strop of leather from its nail and opened the razor .
11 He switched off the lights and opened the curtains ; the night was still as black as a stone .
12 Recently , they have developed their own retail shops and opened the factory to tourists through the David Evans Craft Centre of Silk .
13 Josh stifled a yawn and opened the Register of Membership , running down the long list of names and pencilling question-marks against those who were old or infirm or generally unreliable .
14 She was still dreaming of her lovely evening though when , showered , dried and back in her night attire , she left the bathroom and opened the sitting-room door , went in — and stopped dead .
15 Some , ‘ … wiser than the rest , lay their heads together and resolved in council to be before-hand ’ and went with picks and shovels and opened the land around the monument to a depth of six feet .
16 She closed her real eye , and opened the other .
17 Communist militias lifted the blockade of Dushanbe and opened the road between the capital and the Kurgan-Tyube region .
18 Defries finished checking the suit , and opened the airlock .
19 Mala sniffed , but I grinned and opened the airlock .
20 When he reached the house , he leant his bike against the fence and opened the gate .
21 Jed got out of the car and opened the gate .
22 Mr Rochester was sometimes able to read my thoughts , but this time he just smiled warmly at me , and opened the gate .
23 She smiled at him cheerily and opened the gate as he got out of his car .
24 I knew you were coming and so I went and opened the gate .
25 Li Shai Tung stared thoughtfully at Shepherd a moment , then set his glass down and opened the folder .
26 She put it to one side , and opened the folder of photographs .
27 I hurried out of the lift , along the corridor and opened the door to my office .
28 She unplugged the fridge and opened the door intending to let the fridge defrost .
29 The Brigade Major got up and opened the door .
30 He took a deep breath and opened the door .
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