Example sentences of "[coord] work on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Train for agility with fast shadow-boxing , or work on the punch bag .
2 They are generally based in youth clubs and centres , and work on a variety of projects including those for the unemployed .
3 For instance to er to put in this lottery , and put in the new system that we just converted , recently , a couple of days ago err takes tens and tens of millions of millions of dollars , and most companies who come in and work on a percentage of sales , do n't get their capital investment back until several years into the contract .
4 Most dealers — invariably male and calling themselves middlemen , consultants or businessmen — tend to keep their dealings quiet and work on a commission basis rather than actually buying the hardware themselves .
5 A source said : ‘ They now acting on intelligence , and work on a day-to-day basis with the RUC drug squad . ’
6 The Gulf War and work on a new runway had kept the planes away .
7 The Northern Arts ' Writers Awards 1992 will give two writers the chance to take off to Ireland and work on a literary project free from the distractions of everyday life .
8 TRAINS and work on a multimillion pound redevelopment project ground to a halt yesterday because of a 78-year-old blast from the past .
9 Yeah , that 's the whole thing , we 've gathered all the information now , we may 've been there an hour , hour an a half , maybe two hours depending upon the appointment so you go back to the office and work on a plan of attack .
10 Reckon I 'll catch flu and work on the boat . ’
11 On the French side the short 3.2km stretch of service tunnel to the Coquelles terminal site has already been driven and work on the southern runnel tunnel is well advanced .
12 The PCC were currently getting estimates for repairs to the stonework of the tower and work on the plinth and porch .
13 The geology of the Shetlands was revised and work on the Outer Hebrides is in progress .
14 An estimated seven million children live and work on the streets of Brazil .
15 By Christmas sealing of the hangar , electrical power and lighting were all complete and work on the displays could start in earnest .
16 Tim Mackie has explained to me that the organisation has been so successful gathering together items of rolling stock , track and equipment that there are not enough members available to operate trains and work on the infrastructure at the same time .
17 But the six ministers did draft a joint proposal for the pooling of information and work on the uses of nuclear energy , and for the establishment of a customs union that would lead to a common market .
18 The finalists for the enormous 10-year facilities management contract on offer from the UK Inland Revenue tax-gathering authority are Computer Sciences Corp with IBM UK Ltd and Electronic Data Systems Corp with its UK subsidiary Scicon Ltd : final award is expected to be made in October , and work on the contract will begin in January 1994 .
19 If I did n't go I could stay at home and work on the house .
20 A section was cut through the best preserved length of defences ( fig. 12.2 ) , and work on the villa was extended .
21 But we still did a lot of sport and work on the assault course , which was a set of twenty-four gut-wrenching obstacles set on the edge of the camp .
22 But he was aware of the stage in his career which he had reached , and work on the preparation of Collected Poems had made him feel that he was about to retire .
23 Dan and Stella Parks live in the farmhouse and work on the farm .
24 In theory they were writing a book on the actors , but long since the fascination of collection for its own sake had taken over and work on the collation of evidence ceased .
25 The potential of this block complements our existing holdings and work on the area will be done in concert with our efforts on adjacent blocks 211 and 245 .
26 there had been no attempt by the appellant to show that any part of the deceased 's income & 6 ] consisted of a return on assets as opposed to remuneration for labour and work on the farm .
27 Different ruses were used to encourage Africans to leave their homes and work on the new colonial projects .
28 Working-class children are expected to be independent , travel on the packed buses , take responsibility for siblings , do washing , help sell or ‘ higgle ’ in the market and work on the land .
29 Developmental studies include work on factors which operate on early segmentation , the development of patterns on butterfly wings and work on the control and growth of Drosophila .
30 Right , yes , it is important you see is n't it ? , because one of things that happens also I think is , is that we tend to see a motorway and we tend to see a call one side it , and a call the other side , and work on the assumption that we can actually get across the motorway there , or under the motorway there , but sometimes you ca n't can you ?
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