Example sentences of "[coord] seemed [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Pamela also appeared angry and seemed to wish the therapist to speak for her , which the therapist resisted .
2 As we pored over his crippled handwriting I felt a steady heat coming from his body like an aura which slowly enveloped me and seemed to penetrate the very marrow of my bones .
3 He had duly entered the army from school , and seemed to enjoy the life .
4 The sound was louder now and seemed to fill the box .
5 As the coach swung around the mountain 's impressive edge , directly below the vast height , I looked up and seemed to see the grimly laughing face of one of the woodcarver 's gods .
6 Most of Rory 's pals in London were in the International Marxist Croup , but here he was ; wandering the hills with an upper class dingbat who just happened to be married to his sister and who lived for huntin' , shootin' and fishin' ( and seemed to spend the absolute minimum amount of time in his castle with his wife ) , and who had just last year rationalised half the work force in the glass factory out of a job .
7 It put England 2-0 up and seemed to break the spirit of the world bronze medallists .
8 This architecture was adopted because it was simple to build , fitted the theoretical preconceptions of early computer scientists , and seemed to offer the greatest reliability .
9 Fife and Drum lifted their heads off their paws and seemed to sniff the air .
10 Other Jewish families living in the warren of neighbouring streets where the rows of cramped houses confronted their twins at almost arm-stretching distance had no such suggestion of exclusiveness and seemed to encourage the natural ebullience of their inhabitants as well as confirming their more straitened circumstances .
11 Utterly determined on success , he adopted a dandyish nonchalance and seemed to run the College from his armchair in the Senior Common Room when in fact he frequently undertook paper work late into the night .
12 Although the bulk of Galileo 's scientific work was designed to strengthen the Copernican theory , Galileo did not himself devise a detailed astronomy , and seemed to follow the Aristotelians in their preference for circular orbits .
13 The images in its head were confusing and seemed to hasten the dying feeling inside .
14 Inevitably this led to confusion as to where the centre of power and decision-making really lay and seemed to preclude the maintenance of a coherent policy .
15 However , Kenneth Clark , who replied for the government , was not encouraging and seemed to accept the pessimistic view of Neville Trotter , Conservative MP for Tyne mouth , who blamed all the problems on Korean labour costs which were only 20% of those in the UK .
16 They walked in the beautiful gardens of the Generalife and seemed to have the place almost to themselves , and Maggie turned to Felipe as they stood and listened to the running water .
17 At 3.30 in the afternoon the visiting American side had won one match , were ahead in eight others and seemed to have the famous golden chalice in the big bag .
18 ‘ It was an amazing first set and winning it gave me a big boost and seemed to have the opposite effect on David , ’ said Corsie later .
19 The history of education is littered with discarded phrases , phrases which were once fashionable and seemed to encapsulate the spirit of a Utopia soon to be born .
20 It was strange how good and bad could run into each other , could appear as interchangeable : not the good of succouring the sick , nor the bad of shooting the helpless , but in the subtler regions of morality where things blended together and seemed to make the business of living easier .
21 To Nikon 's opponents , however , the changes not only smacked of foreign heresy but seemed to threaten the whole meaning of the liturgy , to break the link between the service and the faith .
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