Example sentences of "[coord] half an [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( That 's about two peanuts , or half an orange . )
2 A brisk walk , say 20 minutes or half an hour , 3 times a week will do wonders for your circulation .
3 This may be every two hours , or half an hour after each meal .
4 It says it could be thirty minutes or half an hour on that one .
5 Or half an hour till half past ten
6 Most unrest at the plant takes the form of lightning stoppages of between 10 minutes and half an hour , often health and safety issues are cited as the cause or disciplinary matters .
7 To show enthusiasm for a glance with them through the pages of old photograph albums , can often give immense pleasure ; and half an hour spent like this can mean more to them than a whole evening of television , for they are warmed by memories of happier days .
8 I was still angry , but there was no point in pursuing what was over , so I went back topsides to trim the ship , and five minutes later I saw the stateroom lights go out , and half an hour after that the lights in Ellen and Robin-Anne 's cabin were doused , leaving only a light in the forward starboard cabin to show that either Rickie or Jackson Chatterton was still awake .
9 But for all his misgivings , here he is with one of the most desirable women in France eating truffle shavings and half an hour ago they were lying on a bed together .
10 Clocksin and Moore , who performed this experiment , found that the robot could indeed learn its way around its workspace in a fairly short time ( between a quarter and half an hour ) .
11 However , it was not for me to tell him how to treat his advisers , and half an hour later three civil servants arrived with their notebooks whereupon I dictated my suggestions to them .
12 They worked from eight in the morning , till nearly eight at night , with just an hour 's dinner , and half an hour 's tea .
13 At 4 am the klaxon for reveille sounded , and half an hour later the breakfast gong .
14 After a change of costume and half an hour in the makeup chair at The Gilded Cage , she was no longer Jessica .
15 The idea was not taken up , and half an hour later Richard signed the bill and they left the Relais together .
16 Er maybe half and hour history and half an hour geography and er science er but it were all ele very elementary stuff .
17 She preferred the additional wearisome walk , half an hour up and half an hour back down on the other side , to bothering one of these absorbed people .
18 A quick glance through the window showed his car still parked outside , but by the time she had showered and breakfasted she saw that a mechanic was at work on it , and half an hour later her doorbell rang .
19 They sold exotic everything and half an hour was enough notice to put an impressive meal together .
20 I can go away from a conversation and half an hour later I think I should have said that
21 Racing commences at 11am on Friday and half an hour earlier on the Saturday .
22 THE two go hand in hand half an hour in the gym and half an hour on the sunbed .
23 His call was traced and half an hour later police rescued him from his traumatic experience .
24 They did n't bleeding look it , the Well you can have half an hour in the morning and half an hour at night , that 's an hour .
25 erm , Jay 's sister , Tamsin it 's her twenty first on Monday , so he was , like , write out her birthday card , right , and he was like , trying to write something funny , so he was constructing this thing , like reading it out to me , and half an hour when I first got there .
26 ‘ Go away and let me do my work , or we 'll be running on one staff nurse and half an aspirin . ’
27 These are smaller-bodied than the ‘ O ’ series — about an inch narrower and half an inch shallower — and the necks are slightly narrower too , being 43mm at the nut instead of the standard 45mm .
28 The Humane Society of the United States has reported that two toy gun manufacturers — Ray Plastics and LNJ Toys , makers of the new Gotcha enforcer gun — test their products by firing shots into the eyes of rabbits at distances of five feet , three feet , six inches , three inches and half an inch .
29 Oswyn Williams said they were ‘ big purple , brown marks six inches long and half an inch wide ’ on the back of Mr Jones ' legs and the bottom of his back .
30 And it 's five sixteenths of an inch thick by ordinary buttering and half an inch thick for toast .
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