Example sentences of "[coord] go [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She would come back to camp after a day off , call in at the office to see what was going on , and if we were all running around like headless chickens , snowed under with miles of paper from the teleprinter , and an irate Wing CO was tearing his hair out because the visibility had suddenly slumped from three miles to fifty yards and all his boys were up there somewhere running out of fuel , Rosemary would calmly take over the plotting while one of us rushed out to the screen to read the instruments , or go into the screaming teleprinter to shut off the insistent ear-piercing bell which was reminding everybody within hearing that we were late in sending in the hourly observation .
2 It 's lovely there ; find a good vantage point and make rough pencil sketches of the church and trees around and the shapes of tombstones , etc. , or go into the cemetery and draw that curious old tower which commands such an extensive view .
3 Or go into the BBC .
4 The contractor 's men refused to pass the picket or go onto the site until the issue was peacefully settled .
5 He points out that the young fellow or girl with only modest ‘ A ’ levels now has little choice : they have to do without — or go across the water .
6 We s talked to Cath a minute or go about the full training record system .
7 He goes on to argue that the bourgeoisie have always used sections from within the ‘ dangerous classes ’ to control those who are overtly troublesome , perhaps following the maxim that ‘ it takes a thief to catch a thief ’ , when he argues : ‘ for one and a half centuries the bourgeoisie offered the following choices : you can go to prison or join the Army ; you can go to prison or go to the colonies ; you can go to prison or you can join the police ’ ( ibid. 23 ) .
8 I like to get out on the road when I can or go to the studio .
9 As well as being subjected to extreme temperature changes outside , having to constantly leave a warm room to either make a cup of tea or go to the toilet , for example , meant that they were doubly exposed to cold stress as well as to daily stress .
10 About three months before I finally , I was husband made me go to the doctor or go to the doctors for me and that 's when I realized it was depression I did n't know anything about it then .
11 One group who also suffer deeply are secret , adulterous lovers where one partner is killed and the survivor is unable to see the body or go to the funeral .
12 ‘ The line of authority is the route followed — via every link in the chain — by all communications which start from or go to the ultimate authority .
13 Ask at the SNTO about packaged walking holidays — or go to the local tourist office for information on guided walks and climbs .
14 The easiest way is to employ a local customs agent or go to the airport with the airway bill number and reclaim the parcel from the Iberian cargo office , located west of the main passenger terminal .
15 4.10 Cash should not be delivered by staff to clients in their own home unless the client is unable to come to the office to collect the money or go to the post office to collect it .
16 There was a thing about Rick Holden on Sunday where he says that most of the players just sit around or go to the pub etc after training and on their days off .
17 And the more they become integrated , then they would expand out , join the Scouts , the Guides or go to the local youth club , so be part of the , the er , growing up process which they have n't been afforded .
18 They was only , they 'd either got to pay for accommodation at a lodging house or go to the workhouse , they called them then , which is the casual ward , and at the casual ward they were required to bath on admission , which a lot of them did n't like , they were compelled to do certain work .
19 ‘ So , Sir John , do we question Horne or go to the Tower ? ’
20 Cos it people come off the sites or go to the corner shop , do n't cross the road .
21 Do you elect to go for the drop goal or go for the try ?
22 we 're going to either go for a me meal first or go for the ci the cinema and then for meal .
23 ‘ If the girls do n't pick them they 'll just waste in the grass or go with the birds , ’ the mother said as amiably as she could .
24 Router manufacturers debating whether they should license IBM Corp 's Advanced Peer to Peer Networking code or go with the Cisco Systems Inc-inspired Advanced Peer-to-Peer Internetworking , have a third choice .
25 However , there is rather less chance that girls will be detained or go on the run from the security forces , a factor which has increased male drop-out levels .
26 ‘ She could nurse , ’ Harriet had said , defensively , ‘ or go on the land , even if we have n't enough ourselves to keep her here . ’
27 They used to work say one week and have about a month off or go on the dole for a month .
28 Yeah you can go out in the hall or go in the syndicate room
29 Turn left along Appledurcombe Road to reach the main road , cross it and go up the steps to the disused railway track .
30 She heard him cross the hall and go up the stairs .
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