Example sentences of "[coord] then let [art] " in BNC.

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1 It neatly sidesteps the whole process of undoing and pouring spray by allowing operators to puncture the cans and then let the spray be rinsed straight into the sprayer .
2 When he was only forty feet from the Ilyushin , with his right wing now pointing straight up , its tip just a few feet from the airliner 's belly , Duncan pulled back on the left engine and then let the drag pull the plane level .
3 He must tie one end of the string to the opening of the cave and then let the ball unwind as he went down into the labyrinth .
4 creating a common consciousness and then let the peasants go with that .
5 You open the top and then let the cats in at the bottom !
6 erm I think in a way to , as many a parent knows , to act instantly , cause some pain , and then let the matter drop , is a very good system in some senses , but is it , is it a good thing to have happening in the middle of traffic ? erm I suggest that on the whole something might be gained if this was tried here .
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