Example sentences of "[coord] in addition to " in BNC.

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1 You will have to wear an identifying red or white belt either in place of your normal grade belt or in addition to it .
2 ‘ ( 2 ) The Company may , in accordance with section 251 of the Act and any regulations made under it , send a summary financial statement to any member instead of or in addition to the documents referred to in paragraph ( 1 ) above ; and where it does so , the statement shall be delivered or sent by post to the member not less than twenty-one clear days before the annual general meeting before which those documents are to be laid . ’
3 Patients requiring tetanus immunisations only , or in addition to the above
4 The 1987 Language Survey conducted by ILEA found 23 per cent of the Authority 's school population using a language other than or in addition to English at home , with 170 different languages spoken by its pupils .
5 Alternatively , or in addition to this , wives may be given help in re-entering employment when the couple return to Britain on completing their assignment .
6 ( Indeed , the Soviet ambassador himself probably reports through these channels , rather than , or in addition to , the Ministry of foreign Affairs . )
7 The lack of such a maximum at Cape Grim leaves open the possibility that they may be caused by phenomena other than , or in addition to , increased transport from the stratosphere in springtime , such as enhanced photochemical production of ozone at that time .
8 prosecute any person contravening health and safety legislation either instead of , or in addition to , serving a notice .
9 Yet , at the same time , there has not , in most cases , been a sharp break between one way of life and another but rather a process involving subtle shifts in emphasis , whereby one set of relationships — kin , friends and neighbours — take on new significances in place of or in addition to older or earlier established relationships .
10 The group then discussed community economic development models other than or in addition to the private enterprise model , particularly the community cooperative business approach as exemplified in the Community Business Scotland initiative .
11 Accompaniments are often provided by instruments other than , or in addition to , the organ .
12 In the case of the UK these figures are supported by surveys such as that carried out by the Inner London Education Authority which showed that over 22% of the children it its schools spoke a language other than , or in addition to , English at home .
13 If , as we have already shown , the targeting of care programming is unclear , there is even less guidance about allocating service users to care management in mental health and whether this should be instead of , or in addition to , care programming .
14 But Wagner 's art , so irresistible and so much to the fore in Nietzsche 's thinking , seemed to presuppose some value other than — or in addition to — beauty : and was this not also true of Greek art , on the basis of which the theory of beauty had been largely formed ?
15 A number of distinctive functions can be recognised which certain places carried out instead of or in addition to the ubiquitous farming activities .
16 Where a user makes a specific request to exercise their statutory right for an eyesight examination by an ophthalmic optician , either as an alternative to or in addition to the voluntary screening programme , then the request should be accommodated and during this interim period the user permitted to use an ophthalmic optician of their choice .
17 Damages may be claimed on their own or in addition to rescission .
18 Also consider as an alternative requesting building defects insurance ( premiums to be paid for by the landlord ) such as ten year latent defects insurance — but if not available , or in addition to such deeds etc , the tenant should consider including the clause suggested at clause 2.14 .
19 But it has to be said ( it has to be said ! ) wrote Harsnet , and Goldberg , typing , smiled to himself , it has to be said , wrote Harsnet , that if every project is likely , if not certain , to result in the addition of a little more shit to the shit that already exists , there is also the possibility , faint it is true but real , of the unexpected , and this is what delay makes possible and what the onward rush of time , the ever-increasing acceleration of time , perpetually denies , and in addition to the possibility of the unexpected appearing in the coils of delay , in addition to that , it has to be said , he wrote , that whatever the project , however trivial , however exalted , it will always say more than its maker knows , and , if genuine ( I will return to genuine ) , something will emerge which is distinct from whatever came before , from whatever elements went to make up the whole , a tone , a voice , which is not the tone or the voice of the maker but something else , something which , in my more optimistic moments , or perhaps my less clear-sighted moments , seems to be distinct from the shit though inseparable from it , a tone , a style , which links it to its maker 's other genuine ( I will return to genuine ) productions .
20 Additionally , his father 's side of the family were very enthusiastic adherents of the British Empire and in addition to their being ( as Leonard preferred to call them ) ‘ gentlemen of Hebrew persuasion , ’ they were perhaps more British in some respects than the British themselves , recalling what Hugh MacLennan said in his superb novel of the period , The Two Solitudes : ‘ The French are Frencher than France and the English are more British than England ever dared to be . ’
21 Throughout , the atmosphere is too casual , and in addition to a grave lack of frantic drivenness , there is a marked absence of the erotic .
22 And in addition to that , as governments knew that the House of Commons would not be agreeable , ah , the ah , polite phrase is ‘ had not been educated up to ’ , ah , the acceptance of a transfer of sovereignty of the islands , an additional ingredient was thrown in .
23 We already care for over 400 woodland areas , and in addition to saving , on average , a wood every week we 're planting thousands of trees each year to create new woods .
24 The health unions and the nurses could see that others were doing better , and in addition to the top salaries group the miners and the firemen were settling appreciably above the public sector guideline of 4 per cent .
25 It was then , and still is now , very much an island holiday paradise , but it 's come a long way from what were fairly basic beginnings and in addition to natural beauty can now offer resorts as modern and sophisticated as anywhere else in the Med .
26 And in addition to all these again , there are thousands of kinds of habitat or potential habitat — created consciously or inadvertantly by the activities of human beings .
27 As early as 1955 a CAB sub-committee was set up by the national committee to consider hire purchase problems as seen by bureaux all over the country and by other voluntary organisations with experience of families in difficulty ; and in addition to recommendations about trade practices , about possible action by local authorities , and other things , which were sent to the appropriate associations or government departments , the deliberations of the committee produced results which were to have an influence on the trend and standing of much CAB work in the future .
28 Dundonald International Ice Bowl offers a comprehensive league and tournament programme and in addition to the competition it is a great way to make new friends .
29 Good teaching is informed by good research , and in addition to offering courses the Faculty also provides a focus for research activities .
30 As a result , cats spend a great deal of time every day dealing with their toilet , and in addition to the typical licking movements they perform repeated scratchings .
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