Example sentences of "[coord] the same principle " in BNC.

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1 And the same principle applies to apology , although as Austin pointed out in his essay , the logic of apology is not the same as that of accounts .
2 In contrast , the UK takes a more neutral view of monopoly , requiring the Monopolies and Mergers Commission to demonstrate that a monopoly is acting against the public interest , and the same principle carries over to the assessment of prospective mergers .
3 This example employs parallelism to link clauses , but the same principle is used to link sentences too .
4 For example , the case of an actor ( Marbé v Edwardes ( George ) Daly 's Theatre [ 1929 ] 1 KB 269 ; Herbert Clayton and Jack Waller Ltd v Oliver [ 1930 ] AC 209 ; the claims in these cases were for breach of contract but the same principle applies in tort ) and the case of a professional golfer who had been prevented from taking part in competitions by his injury ( Mulvaine v Joseph ( 1968 ) 112 SJ 927 ) .
5 This action was for wrongful dismissal but the same principle applies in a claim for damages for personal injury .
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