Example sentences of "[coord] the [num ord] century " in BNC.

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1 These quirks of fate , combined with Jane Brown 's own enthusiasms ( she is the author of a fine book on the Lutyens-Jekyll partnership ) have resulted in a narrative in which the gardens of the Arts and Crafts movement , a relatively short period between 1890-1914 , get twice the space of the gardens of either the eighteenth or the nineteenth century .
2 One could then find out what else was available on emigration , or on Cornish tin-miners , or on southern Wisconsin , or the nineteenth century , or any permutation of two or more in relation to other topics , such as the design of houses or the techniques of mining , or at another level of student understanding , or another format entirely .
3 These right-angled bends in the road , whatever the date of the enclosure award may be , reflect some stage in the medieval colonisation of the parish when a new furlong , brought in from the waste perhaps in the twelfth or the thirteenth century , cut across the direct path to the next village and forced it to make a sudden turn for a few yards before resuming its onward course .
4 I carried on , wondering if my destination was going to be a nineteenth-century asylum , or the sixteenth century .
5 This may have been the situation at the time of Domesday Book and it may be that a nucleated village was not established until late Saxon times or the twelfth century .
6 The true danger to English today , according to Mr Francis , is not a decline in standards from some mythical golden age in the 1930s or the eighteenth century , but that the National Curriculum will stifle imagination , and mark a return to over-emphasis on rigid expository forms .
7 Here are the magnificent ruins of Glastonbury Abbey — the Tribunal ( a 15th century former court house ) — the Chalice Well ( where , legend has it , the Holy Grail was hidden by Joseph of Arimathea ) and the 15th century St John 's Church .
8 In sharp contrast the redundant vegetable greening and liqueurs in Mrs Lowinsky 's gooseberry fool recipe hark back to Hannah Glasse and the mid-eighteenth century .
9 And apart from a severed , waxen head , on a pole , for starters , there is a pair of stone-carved heads of Celtic Deiters one of them Janus fashion , double sided from Corstopitum and the first century AD .
10 Worcester 's population doubled from 4,000 to 8,000 between the mid-sixteenth and the mid-seventeenth century , a rise that is explained equally by natural increase and by immigration .
11 The late 18th and the 19th century selections present Scottish literature at its most popular and appealing .
12 Since John Locke and the formation of our constitution through the late 18th and the 19th centuries , the question has been , where does authority lie ?
13 As we have said , Ireland , between the fifth and the seventh centuries , was a centre of learning and scholarship .
14 Two imposing items which arrived in Swanage were the prominent Wellington ‘ lock ’ tower at Peveril and the 17th century facade from the Mercers ' Hall in Cheapside which George Burt used for his new Town Hall .
15 The science of art , claims Kemp , has not been adequately appreciated by art historians and to begin to rectify the situation he strives to demonstrate that ‘ there were special kinds of affinity between the central intellectual and observational concerns in the visual arts and the sciences , in European history between the Renaissance and the nineteenth century ( p. 1 ) .
16 Ridge and furrow were formed any time between the early Middle Ages and the nineteenth century , as a result of ploughing up and down fields in parallel lines .
17 While conveying the Mexican attitude to the artefacts as items of great aesthetic value , the curator Andrew Dempsey also examines the various reactions to Pre-Columbian art after the Spanish conquest and the nineteenth century 's interest in Mayan culture at the expense of more ‘ primitive ’ ones such as the Olmec .
18 But in a sense Havelock Ellis was right , for female sexuality was seen as more problematic in Victorian ideology than was male , and the nineteenth century saw the development of a host of often contradictory definitions of female sexuality .
19 And indeed in the early part of this century and the nineteenth century elections have been held on Monday , Wednesday Tuesday never a Friday , never a Saturday , never a Sunday .
20 Since science is public knowledge , it is really printed pictures that will most interest us ; and the nineteenth century saw the appearance of a series of new techniques which changed the appearance of scientific books radically .
21 ‘ Positive ’ science , operating on objective and ascertained facts , connected by rigid links of cause and effect , and producing uniform , invariant general ‘ laws ’ beyond query or wilful modification , was the master-key to the universe , and the nineteenth century possessed it .
22 Adorno sees the prevalence of conventions and repetitive norms in twentieth-century popular music against the background of a musical tradition — European bourgeois art music of the late eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries — which evolved in a strongly non -schematic direction .
23 At all times , but increasingly in the later eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries , new techniques have been brought in by observing their use elsewhere what would now be unkindly called industrial espionage — and sometimes by tempting away workmen .
24 First , Rousseau 's concept of the ‘ Noble Savage ’ proposed that ‘ savages ’ who lacked the civilizing influence of Western culture were free of mental disorder — and it was this idea that many psychiatrists in England , France and the US latched on to in the late eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries .
25 Dr Anne Kussmaul has estimated that between the fifteenth and the nineteenth centuries about 60 per cent of the population aged between 15 and 24 were farm servants and that between a third and a half of the country 's hired labour force was supplied in this way .
26 The threat of malnutrition receded and vanished forever , and the twentieth century finally arrived with a team from the North Eastern Electricity Board .
27 In the 1950s Patrick Appleford , Geoffrey Beaumont and the Twentieth Century Church Light Music Group laid the foundation for composers today .
28 The development of the welfare state , and the twentieth century revolutions and counter-revolutions in Europe , are all manifestations of a continuing class struggle in which the labour movement confronts the representatives of capital .
29 In this sense May 1968 was the price de Gaulle paid for his attempt at a shotgun wedding between French industry and the twentieth century .
30 This book has a symbiotic relationship with Professor Stone 's earlier volume , The Family , Sex and Marriage in England 1500–1800 , drawing heavily as it does on the idea of the emergence of affective individualism in family relationships and its link to the rise in marital unhappiness during both the eighteenth and the twentieth centuries .
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