Example sentences of "[coord] rely on [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On one hand , the multinationals with their headquarters in the UK increasingly organize their worldwide production to gain the benefit of cheap labour in the Third World to carry out those parts of the manufacturing process that are labour-intensive , while the parts that are capital-intensive or rely on skilled techniques such as design are carried out in the UK .
2 A party can not , without the leave of the court , adduce evidence or rely on any document which has not been disclosed in accordance with the rules at a hearing or directions appointment ( FPCR , r17(3) ; FPR , r4.17(3) ) .
3 He did not have the military power to offer protection to Englishmen overseas ; if the Spanish from the south were to attack English colonies , they would have to defend themselves or rely on English diplomacy , because Charles could send neither ships nor troops across the Atlantic for help .
4 In the absence of a well developed welfare state , ‘ retirees ’ have to work , live off earnings or rely on familial support . )
5 The cells were grouped around a central flue which led to considerable fuel economies but was labour intensive and relied on separate slurry drying facilities .
6 The parish school was usually small and relied on one teacher , whose small house was often part of the school buildings .
7 None of this was the assertion of a separate nationality ; they were all subjects of the King of England , and relied on this for their safety , but this reassuring English presence only encouraged them to manage their own local affairs in smaller and smaller units .
8 To voters who had lost their party moorings , who focused on political matters only spasmodically and relied on fleeting impressions derived from television , Ronald Reagan proved to have exceptional appeal .
9 In other words , scribes did not always either know or care exactly who had been present at a grant , and relied on extant lists of great men , doubtless sometimes copied from earlier charters .
10 Species of shrews that have poor eyesight and rely on established pathways to find their way about their territory often fall victim to pits that open up in their vicinity , running straight in without seeing them .
11 The normal form will characterise the first step of a process ' behaviour using the highest levels of syntax , and rely on inner levels to deal with subsequent steps .
12 Some mobile phone retailers are now supplying the once popular car phone free , bar an installation charge , and rely on bill-related bonuses to make up the entire profit .
13 Present hyper-text systems concentrate on the human — computer interface and rely on semi-automated or manual techniques to represent links between one document and another .
14 So they capture ‘ enough ’ in the documentation , and rely on local knowledge for the rest .
15 Beetle larvae and adults usually occupy different habitats and rely on different food supplies .
16 In order to avoid the confusion which could be caused if employees were given two divergent sets of goals to pursue , matrix management involves a complex committee system and relies on good and regular internal communications .
17 Once a species moves into the open ocean , and relies on great speed , either to eat or to avoid being eaten , the ruthless selections of evolution refine the fish 's shape towards this , the most efficient , the most mathematically perfect form for the purpose .
18 ‘ Television is fast-moving and relies on much non-verbal communication , such as a quick glance between the characters , which means nothing to a young child , ’ says Dr Sheppard .
19 It receives no funding from the UN and relies on voluntary funding .
20 Informix develops no applications itself , it simply ‘ supplies the building blocks ’ , and relies on value-added resellers to produce packages for a wide range of vertical markets .
21 His deficit-reduction plans would offset this , but the impact is mitigated by his taking a leaf from the Republican 's book and relying on increased economic growth for about half the deficit reduction below the baseline deficit forecast .
22 There was indeed , she argues , a tendency for women to bypass support from men and to rely on other women as being more dependable sources of support , a tendency found in other cultures of the very poor ( p. 6 ) .
23 Mr Whitney-Long 's evidence on this aspect was unsatisfactory : indeed the weight of his evidence in cross-examination was that they did not so rely in any material way but relied on other matters .
24 Flight importance categories are : ( 1 ) almost entirely terrestrial ; ( 2 ) largely terrestrial and feed while clambering , but fly between food patches ; ( 3 ) often rest but rely on aerial manoeuvrability to obtain food ; ( 4 ) largely aerial and feed on wing .
25 The implementation of the European Community 's 1992 programme depends very heavily on the enactment of new law , not just at Community level , but also — because most Community law does not work directly , but relies on national implementing measures — at national level .
26 Before the war it was estimated that there were 100,000 monks in Burma , supposedly concentrating on religious duties and doing no menial work in their monasteries but relying on daily gifts of food from the faithful .
27 But relying on this instrument is crude , lacks imagination , and does not achieve other goals desirable in the control and regulation of corporate crime ( Stone 1975 ) .
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