Example sentences of "[coord] account for the " in BNC.

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1 The falsificationist sees science as a set of hypotheses that are tentatively proposed with the aim of accurately describing or accounting for the behaviour of some aspect of the world or universe .
2 It was still very difficult to see how the process might work , or to account for the fact that some ads worked , and some consumers took action , but others stubbornly did not ; or that an apparently good campaign failed to achieve extra sales — for sales were still the only real measure of effectiveness .
3 These are known as ‘ transferred cases ’ and account for the vast majority of appeals .
4 There is , however , a specific exemption from the general requirement to spread variations from regular cost : ‘ Where a refund that is subject to deduction of tax in accordance with the provisions of the UK Finance Act 1986 , or equivalent legislation , is made to the employer , the enterprise may depart from the requirements of paragraph 80 and account for the surplus or deficiency in the period in which the refund occurs . ’
5 These motivate the separate preoccupations of holists and individualists , each with a characteristic type of question , and account for the fact that they are satisfied by different sorts of answers .
6 We reasoned that a malaria antigen ( or antigens ) which could interact with HLA-B53 and account for the disease association should be expressed early in the liver-stage of the parasite 's life cycle : human erythrocytes do not express class I molecules , and enhanced CTL lysis of macrophages that have engulfed blood-stage parasites is unlikely to benefit the host .
7 These changes , which were just beginning to develop at the end of Marx 's life have thrown into question much of this original Marxist theory and account for the modern debate about whether or not the capitalist state is always ( or ever ) an instrument which defends the interests of the ruling class in a repressive way .
8 In the War years tea dances were a special feature and account for the slogan , ‘ Twice a day the Mecca Way . ’
9 One notable attempt to differentiate between political institutions within a post-colonial state , and account for the relative power of the bureaucracy by reference to the class structure of the colonial legacy , is Meillasoux 's ( 1970 ) study of Mali .
10 We believe that methodological limitations of the lactulose hydrogen breath test may explain the present results and account for the reported controversies .
11 In discourse analysis , as in pragmatics , we are concerned with what people using language are doing , and accounting for the linguistic features in the discourse as the means employed in what they are doing .
12 The role of the CNAA , as we have suggested , in sustaining a balance between guiding the sector and accounting for the quality of its degrees on the one hand , and delegating ‘ full academic responsibility ’ on the other hand , was inevitably a difficult one to fill .
13 It was true self-education , and accounts for the enjoyment he still shares in the works of poets now regarded as passé .
14 They have two openings on each side of the skull which made it more like a scaffolding , and accounts for the unusually high number of archosaur skulls broken into small fragments .
15 It is this open structure which makes ice less dense than water , and accounts for the fact that it floats .
16 This is known as ‘ translational lift ’ and accounts for the fact that a helicopter requires less power to maintain height in forward flight than it does in the hover ( Fig. 5.4 ) .
17 Pharmaceutical group Wellcome 's report and accounts for the year ended 29 August 1992 also has a section on treasury in the directors ' review of operations and finance .
18 In its report and accounts for the year ended 30 June 1992 , the Mutual Accountants Professional Indemnity Company ( MAPIC ) warns of a greater level of claims at a time when competition in the market has tended to depress rates .
19 The group plans to publish its annual report and accounts for the year ended 30 September 1992 on 19 January 1993 using the FRS 3 basis , which of course was only published at the end of October last year .
20 This is because , as the financial review section of the annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 March 1992 states , highly liquid securities , even if listed on a recognised stock exchange , are excluded from cash equivalents since , technically , the maturity of these securities when acquired was greater than three months .
21 This appears in the annual report and accounts for the 53 weeks ended 2 May 1992 .
22 Tomkins , the industrial management company , spells out its accounting policy for post-retirement benefits other than pensions in the financial review section of its annual report and accounts for the year ended 2 May 1992 .
23 Community Hospitals , which provides independent health care services through 10 hospitals and eight nursing homes , devotes over half a page of its annual report and accounts for the year ended 30 June 1992 to corporate governance .
24 It is also the linkage which is attacked by simple chemicals , such as bleaching powder , which are used by laundries , and accounts for the gradual weakening of shirts in the wash .
25 Merely to stand in such a position will give you some idea of the strain such a position exerts on the groin and accounts for the number of injuries Wasim has incurred in that region .
26 The principle upon which it operates is that the pool is split into two components : the first is referred to as ‘ common funding ’ and accounts for the greater bulk of the pool ; and the second is known as ‘ further funding ’ and comprises an element of additional financing for those institutions which have a high historic unit cost .
27 To receive the directors ' report and accounts for the year ended 31 December 1992 .
28 The Directors present their report and accounts for the year ended 31 March 1993 .
29 To receive and consider the Directors ' Report and Accounts for the financial year ended 27th March 1993 .
30 Finally there is the flexible workforce of part-timers and temporary workers which has seen the biggest employment growth since the early 1980s , particularly in the service sector , and accounts for the majority of the growth in female employment .
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