Example sentences of "[coord] let out [art] " in BNC.

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1 One after another they stepped up and gripped the stump of chalk which snapped in their fingers as soon as it was pressed to the board , sputtered and crumbled when they tried to move it , or let out a squeak to turn the teeth round in your gums .
2 ‘ There is enough to do , ’ he said , and let out a long breath .
3 Cullam sprang to his feet and let out a great cry , drumming his fists on the desk .
4 Then he put his fingers in his mouth and let out a shrill whistle .
5 Suddenly she stopped and let out a cry .
6 The weathercock , caught by the breeze , swung sharply round and let out a loud , cross ‘ Cock-a-doodle-doo ! ’ right in Carol 's ear .
7 Benstede pursed his lips and let out a long sigh .
8 Crawling out of bed , doubled over with the pain in his gut he hobbled over to the window and let out a frightened cry .
9 He waved back at her and , as the car disappeared from sight , he screwed up his face in anguish and let out a groan of frustration and fear .
10 Lucinda ran her tongue round her suddenly dry lips and let out a long , slow whistle .
11 Then , satisfied that the French would check their advance till they were certain no picquet line waited in ambush , he stared westwards towards the clouds and let out a long heavy breath .
12 Then Kraal raised his head and let out a terrible call and shriek of sadness .
13 When the large chromium headlamps of the Citron were only five feet from them , the first boy flung himself into the roadside ditch and let out a yell of triumph as he tumbled into the filthy water .
14 She raised a hand to her forehead and let out a breath which seemed to empty her lungs .
15 Jacqui turned pale , and let out a little gasp of horror .
16 Meadowbrook upended the whole fiery mess into his lap and let out a scream of such inhuman power that the restaurant cat ( a sleepy , sloth-flattened Persian ) kamikazeed through a glass screen into the startled shards of the lobby .
17 She ran her fingers through the dark mass of her hair and let out a deep sigh .
18 Once in the room he looked again at Fenniway and let out a splutter of irritation .
19 She shook her head and let out a gasp of bewilderment .
20 Lisa threw back her head and let out a peal of happiness .
21 As I raised my hands above my head and let out a howl , two male People rushed into the cave .
22 Robyn closed her eyes and let out a groan .
23 He breathed in , gazing around slowly , eyes drinking in the beauty , and let out a sigh that was pure contentment .
24 He moved and let out a groan as he discovered how stiff his limbs were .
25 Christopher went with him to feed the chickens and let out the sheep which were used as ‘ mowers ’ for the steep lawns .
26 ‘ Goodbye , ’ said Robyn , and let out the clutch .
27 Close your eyes , take one or two deep breaths and let out the air with a deep sigh .
28 If Simon had gone to the stables and let out the horses , it would be difficult to prove it .
29 They raid research labs and let out the animals , that sort of thing .
30 He looked up just as Mary turned , and let out an exclamation .
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