Example sentences of "[coord] suggest [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 These results seem promising , and suggest that a simple interdisciplinary programme involving little added staff time can have valuable results for patients .
2 Can I perhaps offer to give give Mr a bit more thinking time and suggest that a local plan which did not contain something which was in the structure plan , as a proposal would not be in accord with the structure plan .
3 These little glasses , which so closely resemble eyebaths , have become a fetish , and to suggest that a common cup might be shared ( after all it is communion ) is more than many a minister would dare .
4 The Royal Commission 's response to this criticism was to note that fusion might not improve matters and to suggest that a more detailed set of standards should be prepared for both solicitors and barristers on the preparation and handling of briefs .
5 The next issue reported the second debate and suggested that a model would help MPs to understand the scheme .
6 ‘ The workload for both Barry Newbery and myself was tremendous , we both felt we could not go on much longer , and suggested that a third Designer be included on the team . ’
7 Another described some of the difficulties that can emerge in an arts course , and suggested that a core-plus-extension model might work best :
8 However , dicta in Oakley v. Lyster went further and suggested that a bare denial of the plaintiff 's title unaccompanied by any possession of or dealing with the goods constituted conversion .
9 McGregor supported the ideas of Maslow about man 's hierarchy of needs , and suggested that a Theory X approach will work well where man is concerned with his physiological and safety needs .
10 The Fulton Report ( 1968 ) on the civil service was critical of the generalist class within the civil service and suggested that a greater role in management should be found for the specialist classes .
11 He offered to visit Amman , Damascus or Beirut for talks with regional leaders and suggested that a joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation might visit Jerusalem for informal talks .
12 The concerns became explicit in 1967 when CASS considered Statement No. 3 , and suggested that a joint sub-committee with CST was needed to discuss the issues .
13 The most consistent fall in UAO was seen after breakfast , and suggested that a light meal after a relatively long fast provided the ideal stimulus for observing changes in UAO that reflect gastric acid output .
14 Martin thinks that this was probably an oversight on my part and suggests that a simple s.p.s.t. toggle switch should be incorporated in the positive supply from the 9V battery .
15 Daly ( 1979 ) claims an elemental Self for women , and suggests that a form of spiritual bonding characterizes their interactions .
16 The segregation pattern indicates that a major dominant gene has a role in ulcerative colitis , and suggests that a major recessive gene has a role in Crohn 's disease .
17 Carol Gilligan , in In a Different Voice : Psychological Theory and Women 's Development ( 1982 ) , examines psychological theories concerning human moral development , and suggests that a male model has been developed which does not fit the experiences of most women 's lives .
18 It is all about those poor girls who behave as Rose did the other night , and suggests that a decent wage might prevent them from indulging in such conduct . ’
19 But to suggest that a speech community is diffuse ( or internally divergent ) is not to imply that it is necessarily unpatterned or unstructured : on the contrary , our task is to find out how the variation is structured by demonstrating what the patterns in the community are like .
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