Example sentences of "[coord] live the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He boasted a permanent five o'clock shadow and lived the part of a hard-drinking , hard-swearing , poker-playing small town boy who belched and spoke his mind .
2 The eldest son James succeeded his father as master carpenter to the Ordnance and lived the life of a country gentleman in Surrey , serving as high sheriff of the county in 1764 .
3 I hear that all the older boys are driving big expensive cars and living the life of Riley .
4 And finally , social citizenship rights , on a range from ‘ the right to a modicum of economic wealth and security ’ to ‘ the right to share to the full in the social heritage and to live the life of a civilized being according to the standards prevailing in society ’ were won in the twentieth century , especially in the post-war period when the welfare state was extended so that all were guaranteed education , health care and a ‘ safety net ’ of financial provision through what was then ‘ national assistance ’ .
5 He had no choice but to work on the land , and to live the life described by Flora Thompson in Lark Rise to Candleford .
6 They may put pressure on their children to leave and live the life they missed out on .
7 Charles Richardson 's aspirations to rise socially and live the life of an intellectual gentleman , combined with his unwise investments , led the family into bankruptcy .
8 In the meantime , as she so sweetly says , through her tears , to those who have over many years tried to gently persuade her to go straight away and live the rest of her life in comfort .
9 My mother , having been deprived of one prospective son-in-law , Cedric , now got it in to her head that I might meet an American , and decide to marry him and live the rest of my life in the USA , where she could n't get at me and see what was going on .
10 Now , can he ignore society , can he forget the past , and live the rest of his life with her in peace ? ’
11 As an aspiring recording artist , I can only hope you will enjoy your music and live the lifestyle , while you remember that the music business is a career , just like any other .
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