Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] a minute " in BNC.

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1 The child runs to its mother to be comforted , and for a minute or two is lost in her .
2 ( She was very surprised , and for a minute she forgot how to speak good English . )
3 She was very angry , and for a minute I was afraid .
4 Nicole stared at her interestedly , and for a minute Alyssia was disconcerted .
5 There was no sign of a studio and for a minute she expected to find that Alain had been merely frightening her — some hidden cruelty to make her feel uncomfortable , another chance to embarrass her .
6 The hijackers jumped down and for a minute it looked as if they were going to try to fight their way out .
7 The wind had an icy tang to it : it swirled about them right down to their feet , disturbing any loose leaves it could find ; and for a minute or two its voice was the only sound they heard , until Charlie 's broke into it , saying , ‘ Well , do n't worry , at least about me .
8 She looked at the telephone on her desk and for a minute was tempted to pick it up and ask for David Fairfax 's number .
9 and for a minute he can forget that he 's talking about it .
10 Slowly , very cautiously , Jack stood up and after a minute walked softly towards the Monument .
11 She watched carefully , and after a minute or two she saw that the thing was a grin .
12 No answer suggested itself , however , and after a minute or two he became aware that as these thoughts whirled through his mind he had been staring down at the grilles confining the Chinese coolie families .
13 It caught on the second try , and after a minute 's revving he switched off the ignition and let it die .
14 He emptied his flagon and after a minute 's hesitation she took it over to the table to refill it .
15 She went away , and after a minute or two he got up from his bed and went to the window .
16 He never said anything else and after a minute Maggie got her breath back and asked ,
17 Miss Florence seemed to skip out of the storeroom and within a minute skip back , displaying a hat on each hand .
18 She went back on deck at the appointed time and within a minute the man appeared .
19 Micky Hazard started it with a header in the 88th minute and within a minute subsitute Ted McMinn had notched Derby 's fourth .
20 He slid down the stairway in one easy jump and hopped from the quay to the cruiser 's deck , and within a minute he 'd located the power switches and was down below , checking through the fittings .
21 But it was n't to be and within a minute Stoke were level .
22 Now I suppose this is just appealing to my sense of power or something , being able to walk in and take charge and in a minute or two they 've settled down and they 're not panicking because you 've arrived and all their burdens are on your shoulders and they do n't have to worry any more because the doctor 's there … this I find profoundly satisfying as long as I can , in fact , cope with what 's happening .
23 I accidentally spilt some soft drink on the bench where we had lunch , and in a minute a dozen skinks had homed in and were lapping up the liquid .
24 I found them , and in a minute I was in the first room , where Bersonin and Detchard were .
25 But then , with a cry of surprise , he found my horse , and in a minute he was on its back .
26 And in a minute we 'll be passing the Tower of London . ’
27 Now there was another noise — a police siren screamed into the car park and in a minute there were people everywhere , rushing out of the shop and crowding round the crumpled car .
28 And in a minute , we 'll see the prime example of that , or one of the prime examples of that .
29 Luce struggled to pin down the elusive thought , but it hovered , wraith-like , just out of reach , and in a minute or so was blotted out completely when she found herself being carried into a strange , and clearly masculine , bedroom .
30 In the light of kitchen she sat Maggie down and started to brush gently at her shoulders , but after a minute or so she said ,
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