Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] in need " in BNC.

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1 It 's possible you 're overtired — or even in need of fresh air . ’
2 The armourers were the scruffiest erks to be seen anywhere — untidy , good-natured , mostly wearing leather jerkins over their battle dress ( held together with pieces of wire ) , and mostly in need of a shave as well .
3 Are they scuffed and dented and badly in need of a polish ?
4 Or are they biased , faulty and badly in need of revision ?
5 I was on a tricky bend , the road falling away sharply and badly in need of a grader .
6 The RBG film ‘ The Capital Garden ’ , sponsored by the Bank of Scotland and made in the 1970's , is in an unusable format ( 16mm ) , and badly in need of replacement .
7 The old stonework was crumbling and eroded and badly in need of repair .
8 At that time women were generally regarded as economically dependent on their husbands and less in need of an independent source of income in retirement .
9 He had been dismayed , almost horrified , when she had opened the front door a crack and displayed herself pale and ill and obviously in need of cherishing .
10 Conspiracy was an old common law offence , frequently charged and much in need of bringing up to date .
11 He is very poor , badly deformed and desperately in need of help .
12 This was so in Bedfordshire , for example : in 1952 the District Council carried a motion deploring ‘ the withdrawal of the services of a full-time officer of the WEA from Bedfordshire when so large a proportion of branches in the area are so recently formed and still in need of assistance and encouragement that only a full-time organiser or tutor-organiser can give ’ .
13 ‘ Architects are more and more in need of reassurance where product liability is concerned , and a new BS 402 is a major step forward in this respect , ’ he says .
14 Surere looked at him searchingly before , satisfied that he could place his trust here , and also in need of an audience , he began :
15 I was also admitting that ‘ I ’ was not a separate entity from my body , that we were both one , and both in need of nutrition .
16 Thus County Armagh Free Presbyterians , looking back on the explosives cases and the charges laid against Free Presbyterians , recollected that far from supposing these people might be guilty and hence in need of church discipline , they assumed their innocence and believed that the charges were just another part of the plot to discredit Paisleyism .
17 We had a flood of cases : buildings of all types and sizes , of all styles and ages , but with one thing in common — they were disused and decaying and evidently in need of a new owner or a new use , as their present owners were being decidedly neglectful .
18 Bare , and sadly in need of redecoration , it was not very welcoming .
19 A bargain makes me feel threatened and seriously in need of urgent hospital treatment : depressed and unsure of myself .
20 And there she was , a bit dented and definitely in need of a coat of paint , a Peterhead prawn fishing boat , nudging her way into the topmost lock .
21 My relationship with my father had not changed , although I should have welcomed some change , since the days of my early childhood : it is difficult for most parents to admit that their children are growing up and therefore in need of a more flexible parental attitude .
22 Tumin also questions the view that the training required for important positions should be regarded as a sacrifice and therefore in need of compensation .
23 But there are many in hospital who are not on the list but urgently in need of proper treatment .
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