Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] remember that " in BNC.

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1 Eggs and bacon and fried bread , it 's about half past nine , to do something else , but he came tearing in , I 've got to go to the office , she said , as though it was my fault , and he 'd rung to make sure everything was alright , got no reply , and suddenly remembered that his secretary was going to have appointment , there 's nobody there , so
2 We shall miss his humour , his smile , his sometimes quite brilliant prose and always remember that if the name was mentioned it always brought a smile , and that is what we shall remember .
3 In the future , every time you caution a person , enter the particulars in your notebook , and see he does n't get a second caution , and also remember that it is not necessary to caution a person before summonsing or arresting him , as the case may be .
4 I think at this point it would be a good idea to tell you what my own personal beliefs are — and please remember that I am not attempting to convert anyone else to them .
5 And kindly remember that I make the decisions around this place . ’
6 Anyone who supposes this case to be exceptional should try to reconcile the community of which he or she is genuinely a member with the constituency in which he or she now votes , and then remember that an STV constituency would be three , four , five or more times larger .
7 ‘ It must be the full moon , ’ Lee grumbled , melting butter in a saucepan , and then remembered that the moon had been but a sliver the previous night .
8 He wondered how he had found sufficient courage to ask her to the Edwardian Ball , and then remembered that it was her air of calm dignity which had made him anxious to take her to impress his parents .
9 I wondered if I should learn Swedish ( impossible , I 'm told ) and then remembered that most of them speak reasonable English .
10 She called ‘ Edward ? ’ , and then remembered that he had gone out with the ornithological group .
11 He opened his mouth to make an acid retort , and then remembered that the sura which permitted captives to be enslaved also went to considerable lengths to provide laws for their welfare .
12 Matthew 5:23 and 24 tells us , ‘ Therefore , if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you , leave the gift there in front of the altar .
13 But just remember that you are being judged even before you speak a word .
14 Nothing personal , Bill , but just remember that I work in this town , and for me to work here then I need doors opening up for me .
15 But just remember that Martinez has his fingers in every pie in golf .
16 The length and width will depend on how many will be using the punt at any one time , but always remember that they are not the easiest things to row , especially in rough water , so make a length of about 14ft your limit , with a width of about 4ft 6in. maximum .
17 The garter carriage can be used to knit a ribbed welt , but always remember that if you set the garter carriage to knit a 24 row welt and then leave it , that is all it will achieve .
18 She would be able to look at them , and not only observe that the noble d'Urberville family had lost its greatness , but also remember that a poor descendant had lost her innocence .
19 But please to remember that the Battle of Britain boffinery first saw the light of day in the mid-1930s .
20 This in effect meant that PFF actually did 45 sorties , but please to remember that few Pathfinder aircrew elected to opt out at the 45 mark and most carried on to the magic 60 , And further take note that over 100 PFF aircrew managed the ton ( 100 sorties ) .
21 To loud applause , he said the message to Mr Heath from the grass-roots should be : ‘ We all respect your vision and your achievements , but please remember that the overwhelming majority of Conservatives totally reject the idea of European union and a federal Europe . ’
22 But please remember that you can only contribute to one general PEP in any one tax year .
23 But please remember that there are only 300 seats — so book early !
24 At one point we thought one of our players ( ca nt remember who — Whelan ? ) had got stuck to an opposition armpit … but then remembered that the velcro shirt was still an idea only .
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