Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] called for " in BNC.

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1 Fellow councillor Margaret Crooks said it was clear the bombing had been an ‘ inside job ’ and she called for those who helped the bombers to be ostracised .
2 They wanted to see scientific and technical programmes dealing specifically with issues such as employment possibilities for youth , and they called for more cultural programmes reflecting young Chilean people 's interests .
3 Now , the , the membership of this particular , er , special purposes committee if you like , erm is the core officers and three other members , and they called for volunteers , and one came from Avon , one came from Dorset , put his name forward from Wiltshire .
4 In a conference fringe speech which appeared to set out his own personal manifesto , the Leader of the Commons also echoed Mr Heseltine 's views on the need to take a more positive attitude to the European Community , and he called for a moderation of the Government 's confrontational style .
5 Many larger houses were being split up into ‘ so-called flats ’ , and he called for protection for such families .
6 Then he called for Alvar Fañez and said unto him , Cousin , the poor have no part in the wrong which the King hath done us ; see now that no wrong be done unto them along our road : and he called for his horse .
7 We quickly downed ours and he called for the same again .
8 He called for his pipe and he called for his bowl ,
9 And he called for his fiddlers three .
10 I dumped my duffel bag by the wall and he called for Maria to bring the tea .
11 Dieter guided her to an empty chair ; she was trembling violently and he called for brandy .
12 At the LCY central committee plenum in October Simic also said that the new programme of reform could not be implemented by the LCY , and he called for a referendum on these questions and on the Constitution .
13 Estonian President Lennart Meri said that the suspension contradicted earlier agreements , and he called for the issue to be discussed by the foreign ministers of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe ( CSCE ) at their forthcoming meeting in Sweden .
14 According to C.-in-C. of CIS Armed Forces Marshal Yevgeny Shaposhnikov , it now remained for Ukraine to recognize Russia 's jurisdiction over nuclear weapons located on its territory , and he called for a Russian-Ukrainian summit to discuss the issue .
15 Speaking after a visit to the Soviet Union , he said that the state of the Chernobyl plant was " shocking " , and he called for the closure of the three reactors still operational [ see Chernobyl article in this issue ] .
16 His R/T went u/s as they were taxying out and he called for control to stop " Jock " Calder ( his Deputy ) and tell him to get out of his aircraft and hand it over to Johnny 's crew , " Jock " overheard this plea , switched off his R/T , took-off and led the sortie , but was never forgiven .
17 Eric Stephen said he thought that a of method getting people into the scheme was ‘ off the rails ’ and he called for a large input of help and direction while Andrew Macfarlane said that unless the end user guaranteed a premium farming leaders could ‘ forget FASL ’ .
18 It is interesting to note that the CBI , not for the first time , was critical of attempts to bypass local councils , and it called for partnership between business , central government and local authorities .
19 It warned , however , that close surveillance of the border would continue , and it called for the creation of a " security zone " 5 km wide inside Iraq .
20 PC Gaskell was almost lost for words — but he called for assistance and the entertainer finally got his way .
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