Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] reduce [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Defects in β2 may be either mutations , which affect the structure of the protein , or greatly reduced expression or absence of mRNA .
2 Whether it is the academics ' interests in the livings that come in the wake of a research career ; or industry 's wish to produce new drugs or insecticides ; or the state 's desire to develop new military armaments or better traffic flows or even to reduce truancy in schools ; these are motivations quite unconnected with the education of students in higher education .
3 Substitution of new materials for existing ones , increased recycling or simply reduced demand for materials due to technical innovations could all make a nonsense of predictions that the world may run short of key metals .
4 This could include providing for zero quotas on all African nations — or selectively reducing quotas to help stop poached ivory slipping into legal trade .
5 This involves selling more government securities and thereby reducing banks ' reserves when their customers pay for them from their bank accounts .
6 In late 1989 the government launched a five-year plan aimed at diversifying Macao 's economy and thereby reducing dependence on the textile industry and tourism .
7 The committee also called on the government to formulate long-term fuel-pricing objectives in order to encourage industry to invest in energy-saving measures and thereby to reduce emissions .
8 Critics say the plan represents a flawed , ‘ image-above-all-else ’ , attempt by the Ministry to beef up the Prado 's revenue-generating potential , and thereby reduce State support .
9 In a mass , however , the birds sometimes defend the nowers and thereby reduce cross-pollination .
10 These include depressed mood , irritability , social withdrawal , loss of sexual libido , pre-occupation with food , obsessional behaviour , and eventually reduced alertness and poor concentration .
11 Weighting allows pre-judging of the relevance of any points and so reduces emphasis on suspect data .
12 They will increase incineration temperatures and so reduce emissions .
13 In addition , CAB advisers are proud to be a ‘ one-stop ’ service and there is a fear that a receptionist may make unnecessary referrals in order to relieve queues and so reduce bureaux to the signposting agencies they were once considered to be .
14 On a political level , these schemes help to maintain the status quo , because they satisfy some of the minimum housing needs of the poor and so reduce pressure for radical reforms .
15 If taxes are raised to finance the spending , the policy will still be expansionary and so reduce unemployment so long as the taxes raised do not exceed the increase in government spending by a certain amount .
16 Full employment meant a more or less guaranteed job , shorter working hours , and perhaps reduced intensity of work and improved working conditions .
17 This saves hours of time and greatly reduces errors caused by inaccurate key pressing .
18 John Greig , the club 's public relations executive , said : ‘ We are far from satisfied with the security arrangements and greatly reduced number of tickets now on offer .
19 John Greig , the club 's public relations executive , said : ‘ We are far from satisfied with the security arrangements and greatly reduced number of tickets now on offer .
20 In amphisbaenians , well adapted to their burrowing lives , with vestigial or non-existent limbs and much reduced eyes , the skull is very heavily ossified and box-like to enable it to be rammed through the soil , and so the orbitosphenoid is a thick plate of bone .
21 ‘ Our aim is to improve the leadership we provide by simplifying our structure , revitalising our performance and skills and generally reducing costs , to the benefit of the laboratory as a whole . ’
22 Alcoholic drink provides calories , giving energy and thus reducing appetite .
23 Asset backed bonds , usually secured against pools of illiquid loans , offer financial institutions a means of removing assets from their balance sheets and thus reducing capital requirements ; but such securitisation can also be seen as a tool which facilitates the separation of the loan origination and funding function of banks .
24 If employees are provided with detailed information packs on the proposed new area at the time of the announcement this can go a long way to answering some of their questions and thus reducing anxiety .
25 The aid was part of a package drawn up by the responsible EC Commissioner , Abel Matutes Juan , as part of the EC 's contribution to economic development in the region ( in particular by creating jobs and thus reducing emigration pressures ) and of its efforts to stimulate the political dialogue with Arab countries and Israel .
26 Whereas , before nationalisation , the planning of bulk supply points from the National Grid had been constrained by complex legal and financial negotiations between the CEB and the undertakings , engineers were now able to plan the cheapest effective layout , resulting in more supply points and increased usage of the high-voltage 132kV system for energy transfer and thus reduced transmission losses .
27 Few canopy trees in Costa Rica are bird-pollinated and those that are , are visited by passerines such as orioles , which travel in groups : hummingbirds would turn trees into individual feeding territories and thus reduce pollination .
28 For larger areas where higher speeds would thus be tolerated , there is an argument that sight-distances must be lengthened to improve inter-visibility and thus reduce accident potential .
29 Some programmes , set up by North American and international development agencies in order to alleviate the population pressure on food and thus reduce poverty , were aimed at direct population control rather than giving the woman the right and freedom to control her own fertility .
30 However , it is likely that these various arrangements help to reduce the volatility of exchange rates and thus reduce uncertainty .
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