Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [art] latter " in BNC.

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1 The funicle comprises those segments which intervene between the ring-segments and the club , or between the latter and the pedicel in cases when the ring-segments are not differentiated .
2 The point was that France was protesting not so much about its inability to get its way on agricultural policy nor about the latter 's incorporation into a package , but more about the political or supranational elements of the package .
3 Mukddaam easily disposed of his more experienced stable companion , Marienski , in a racecourse gallop at Newbury , and as the latter ran creditably in last Saturday 's Royal Lodge Stakes , Mukddaam clearly shares at least some of Nashwan 's ability .
4 Many people indeed manage to be embarrassed by both , and for the latter reaction there is more excuse .
5 For five years she had worked at the Ashmolean before moving across the street to The Randolph ; and for the latter part of that time she had actually worked for Dr Kemp , amongst others .
6 The figure for the former was 17% and for the latter 13% .
7 The means of mass transportation and communication , the commodities of lodging , food and clothing , the irresistible output of the entertainment and information industry carry with them prescribed attitudes and habits , certain intellectual and emotional reactions which bind the consumers more or less pleasantly to the producers and through the latter to the whole .
8 It did n't take long for him to bounce back , however , and during the latter part of the 1970s and early 1980s he and Trevino put themselves in for further chances of Open glory .
9 The 1960s was the age of tanker terminals and oil production platforms and during the latter part of the decade Wimpey built its first aluminium smelter in Bahrain .
10 De Glanville though spending some time here at Halling , was a much travelled man , rather I should say kept continuously on the run for these were most troubled times and towards the latter part of his life an interdict was placed on the country and it is recorded he was buried without a service .
11 Conservative Republicans like Maura and Alcalá Zamora , and even some individuals on the left , recognized the desirability of a modus vivendi between the Church and the Republic , and of the latter 's attracting to it the Catholic sectors of the urban middle class and peasantry .
12 If , as is sometimes done , things are assimilated to events , we can speak of particulars as events , and of the latter as being " temporal " in the sense that every event exhibits a pattern of change in some direction , and can be said to occur simultaneously with , or before , or after , some other event .
13 He was an active member of the monthly , quarterly , and yearly meetings of the Society of Friends , of its committee for sufferings , and of the latter 's subcommittee for American affairs .
14 Of the former there were 80 , and of the latter 450 specimens , including about 150 species , many of which are new to the European collections …
15 Nevertheless , as was also suggested with respect to South Eastern secretarial/office staff , there is the opportunity for computer staff to make a ( semi- ) permanent career out of " temping " , and with the latter group this is made more explicit by the creation of the ( semi ) permanent entity of the company .
16 The Penguin Dictionary of Surnames says merely , ‘ Forsey ( see Fursey ) ’ , and under the latter has ‘ furzy enclosure — found early in Dorset just as Forsey is now . ’
17 The system of government by close liaison with the Church was maintained in Germany by Henry II and Henry III , and under the latter rose to its height .
18 At a Christmas assembly at Aachen in 837 , having carefully built up aristocratic and episcopal support , and secured the agreement of Pippin ( whose own ambitions in Francia now looked blighted ) and Louis the German , Louis solemnly conferred on Charles " a part of the regnum " , with the following boundaries : the greater part of the Belgic provinces , in other words , the whole of Frisia from the North Sea and Saxon frontier as far as the frontier of the Ripuarian Franks , and along the latter , the counties of Mulekewe , Ettra , Hamarlant and Maasgau ; then all the territory between the Meuse and Seine as far south as Burgundy , including Verdun ; and going from Burgundy , the counties of Toul , Ornois , Blois , Blaisois , Perthois , the two Bars [ i.e. Bar-le-Duc and Bar-sur-Aube ] , Brienne , Troyes , Auxerre , Sens , the Gâtinais , Melun , Etampes , the Pays de Châtres , and Paris ; then along the Seine to the Channel and up the coast as far as Frisia again : within these , all the bishoprics , abbacies , counties , fisclands , and all pertaining thereto .
19 For some birth parents this would mean periodic up-dating of information from themselves to the adoptive family and from the latter to the birth parents directly or through the placement agency .
20 Once third party rights are likely to be affected , as in the case of secured transactions or open market bona fide purchases , the information flowing from the carrier to the consignor-beneficiary of the letter of credit , and from the latter to the issuing or confirming bank can no longer remain private .
21 Ecologists warn that the gorillas are in danger both from government shelling attacks on suspected rebel positions , and from the latter 's introduction of cattle into the forest , which break down the bush .
22 In the former , the key cash crop was oil palm , and in the latter cotton .
23 They can issue an Enforcement Notice to cease an unauthorised use or remove an offending development and in the latter case , once the Enforcement Notice has been issued they can also make a Stop Notice which requires all work to cease in a short period , often seven days , until the Enforcement Notice is confirmed or quashed .
24 In the former we look for the objectionable and unacceptable features in the book and use these as the basis of rejection , and in the latter we look for the meritorious and desirable features in the book and use these as the basis of selection .
25 The commonest evasions , certainly well known in the twelfth century , were the pretence that the original loan was greater than in fact it was , or the securing of a loan by a temporary grant of land ; in the former case the difference between the actual loan and the repayment in fact constituted interest ; and in the latter the rent on the land might do the same .
26 In the former case D18 will be lit and in the latter case it will be extinguished .
27 In the eighteenth century it ceased to be needed as a fortress in the military sense , and in the latter part of that century the conversion of the inside into a palace was begun .
28 There are well-kept gardens to the front and rear , and in the latter there grows a very fine example of a Judas tree .
29 Moon rats live in swampy land , forest and cultivated areas , and in the latter have been known to gnaw the bark off young rubber trees .
30 There is an instruction which compares two fields for equality or non-equality , and in the latter case it indicates which field is greater .
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