Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] join the " in BNC.

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1 Succeeding Mike Perry , the director behind the quick-fire acquisitions programme which first put the group into direct competition with world cosmetics leader L'Oréal , and later prompted old rival Procter & Gamble to join the chase , he is a marked man .
2 The last heard of Gert was in 1943 when he tried and failed to join the RA F. Bloomsbury House urged him to settle for the Pioneers .
3 By July they had managed to sign a nucleus of nine players and re-applied to join the Mid-Counties League .
4 In Azerbaijan the Nagorno-Karabakh autonomous region voted to establish itself as an independent republic with the support of 99.9 per cent of those who took part in a referendum on the matter , and applied to join the newly-established Commonwealth of Independent States ; Azerbaijan , for its part , voted to abolish the region entirely , renamed its capital city and placed the whole area under the control of a military governor .
5 Mongolia became a member of the Group of 77 in June and applied to join the Non-aligned Movement in 1991 .
6 We doggedly persevered in our pursuit of consumer acceptance , so convinced were we of the superiority of our product , but , as always , ultimately the customer is king , and our product was rejected and has joined the ranks of many other good ideas whose time may come one day , but certainly is not with us now .
7 For example , in developed countries , as current education standards require more extended formal education and increasing proportions of women subscribe to these advancements , as younger women are enabled to and elect to join the labour force , marriage is postponed , and the secular trend towards younger age at marriage is reversed .
8 Goodwill , one of Mr Garner 's pet projects and the subject , he believes , that got him noticed and invited to join the ASB , is also on the agenda .
9 He coldly removed her hand from his arm and moved to join the women on the path .
10 He said he was afraid the delay over the book had lost him the opportunity of reaching the city in time to take part in any meaningful work , and promised to join the next summer 's dig in June . ’
11 A Trotskyist party , the Spartakovtsy , is also being formed and intends joining the Fourth International , formed in the 1930s by Trotsky .
12 At this they would leave their trades and rush to join the fourteen ‘ seine ’ boats and the fourteen ‘ volyers ’ that followed the seine boats in pursuit of the shoals .
13 The royal couple returned to Britain looking fit , tanned and very much in love and flew to join the Queen and the rest of the royal family on the Balmoral estate .
14 When a friend invited her to attend one of the Christian community study groups , she was deeply impressed by the contrast and decided to join the community :
15 Veronica added that she 'd put away later and went to join the others .
16 These tales made quite an impression on me as did the story of Uncle Fred 's eldest son , young Fred as he was known , putting on his age and managing to join the Marines when only sixteen , then found himself serving on the same ship as his father during the great battle — something of a unique record .
17 At first his challenges were met by rival warbosses , and there were several bloody battles , but after rumours of Azhag 's victories became well known the tribes gave up any ideas of fighting and flocked to join the growing Waaagh .
18 He kept pupils moving so quickly they were running past the cage and had to join the queue again to get a proper look .
19 They were told they would be given refunds , and had to join the rest of the crowds on the dockside and promenades .
20 He had been at Cambridge just after the last war , had fought with the International Brigade in Spain and had joined the R.A.F. as an air-gunner in 194O .
21 At the close of the 1990–91 season 's business , Phil Barber was Palace 's longest-serving current player and had joined the select troupe of men to have played over 250 games for The Eagles some fourteen months previously , so that is fair to say that there has seldom been a more popular fellow to wear the Palace colours .
22 He had become a successful Solicitor , and had joined the Board as a representative of the Old Stopfordians in 1949 .
23 We told Doreen about Maria and her friends in Brazil , because we were links and had joined the chocolate chain .
24 The Georgian Communist Party , which had adopted a nationalist manifesto for the elections and had joined the other 120-odd political parties in campaigning for restoration of Georgia 's independence , failed to build on its strong first-round showing , and increased its seat total only to 64 .
25 The return to being on the inside of the charmed circle entails potential employees extending their search and queuing to join the successful rent-seekers ; i.e. search unemployment is raised .
26 Here were the people who were now convinced the paper existed and wanted to join the venture .
27 ‘ I gave the caller the name of a vet who knows about reptiles and suggested joining the British Chelonia Group for owners . ’
28 Suddenly I remembered my weekly shower and hurried to join the ragged party which was forming outside .
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