Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] a further " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If the indicators for the first quarter remain flat or suggest a further fall in output , then the time will have come for a further cut in interest rates , by another 1 per cent or more . ’
2 It was held that no offence was committed ; Parliament was concerned in section 5 with cause and effect , and the causal sequence was not present in the situation confronting the court because , even if the defendant himself was engaging in a breach of the peace , he was not likely to cause or occasion a further breach .
3 In the run up to the Conservative Party conference it is hardly surprising if Mrs Thatcher swallowed her intellectual objections to intervention and backed the Chancellor 's expensive efforts to defend the pound in the hope of avoiding or postponing a further increase in interest rates .
4 If , in spite of treatment , the foetus is shown to be severely affected the woman may be offered the choice of terminating the pregnancy or undertaking a further course of treatment to help prevent more damage .
5 of those on youth training gain a qualification or a job , or enter a further education course .
6 ( e ) Clauses limiting liability or damages A further type of clause commonly used is one which imposes a limit or restriction on the amount of damages payable in the event of breach .
7 He had a miserable life , he came to Paris and led a further miserable life .
8 It may act by a novel mechanism and offers a further therapeutic possibility for those who are intolerant of aminosalicylates .
9 Greenidge was dropped on 6 and made a further 74 , Kallicharran on 25 and went on to 42 , and King was unbeaten on 31 after giving a chance on 5. 215 was the kind of score to promise a close finish , and Boycott , Willey and Larkins saw them well on the way .
10 Joanne Willies-Williams lives on income support , and receives a further four hundred pounds a week in benefits to pay the interest on her mortgage .
11 Here Melangell founded a community of virgins and lived a further thirty seven years in the valley .
12 He filled in most of the coupons again and got a further selection of condoms , Bob Martin 's and catalogues .
13 Around the stair tower , a curved , fin-like aluminium wall screens the lower conference room and the boardroom terrace above , and adds a further textural element to the low-key material themes of timber and brick .
14 By the terms of the Tomlin order the appellants agreed to pay off the second charge and to grant a further charge to the plaintiff for the purpose of securing payment to the plaintiff of the sum of £150,000 , such payment being one of the terms of the agreement made between the parties .
15 SOC troops opened fire on crowds of demonstrators in Phnom Penh on Dec. 21 , killing at least three people and wounding a further 26 .
16 Throughout the year Israel had carried out over 20 raids , killing some 35 people and wounding a further 150 .
17 Hekmatyar 's forces launched an artillery barrage on Kabul on May 4-5 , killing more than 70 people , mostly civilians , and wounding a further 400 .
18 Sherwood aims to exploit the product 's existing UK and overseas customer base and has a further three clients , to be announced soon .
19 Mr Taylor is a graduate in Economics of King 's College , Cambridge , and has a further degree in Economics from McGill University , Montreal .
20 I was glad when that was over and swam a further four lengths to unwind .
21 By 1929 the Works had built 26 completely new cars , and built a further eight using the old top decks of the cars they had replaced .
22 British Waterways lowered the water in the section by ten inches while laying a sewage pipe underneath the canal and say a further drop in levels was caused by a leaking paddle on a lock gate .
23 Stir in the spring greens and cook a further 2 to 3 minutes .
24 One is called the National Foreign Intelligence Program and contains about $12 billion and the other , controlled by the Secretary of Defense , is called the Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities Budget and contains a further $12 billion .
25 Sometimes as they fly , they tilt their bodies so that their tails dip into the water , and beat a further few strokes , renewing their impetus and extending their flight .
26 They have announced plans to invest more than £38 million in the area and to attract a further £23 million from the private sector .
27 As he will know , our reforms for further education as a whole are designed to provide enhanced opportunities for both young people and adults and to provide a further stimulus to increased participation .
28 He made an interlocutory order in the terms sought and directed a further hearing on full evidence .
29 As the binary divide recedes and vanishes a further revolution in creating links with schools will make the management of transition more rational .
30 The company had identified reserves of more than 100 million tonnes at Crumlin , and estimated a further 300 million tonnes might lie beneath Lough Neagh .
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