Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] themselves to " in BNC.

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1 Another one of his tricks was to lurk behind the counter at the Turk 's Head so customers would think there was no one there , and then , when they were thinking of leaving or helping themselves to the jam doughnuts , he 'd leap on to a wooden box to bring his large dome head just above the level of the counter and say , ‘ Can I help you ? ’ in a very loud voice .
2 These arise from a household 's obligation to devote many unpaid hours of work to caring for its dependent members , and from the fact that some households have only one fit person of working age who has to choose between doing this , or going out to earn a living , or driving themselves to exhaustion trying to do both .
3 ‘ I happen to believe variety is the spice of life , it just happens to be that women end up victimising themselves a lot , or subjecting themselves to a lot of bullshit to get some sort of coverage .
4 Secondly , the provision of subways and footbridges should be avoided where possible , for they are often ignored by pedestrians who would rather dodge through the cars than climb to bridge level or expose themselves to the unpleasant and sometimes dangerous environment of a subway .
5 Whether they remain in Edinburgh or betake themselves to other lands and whatever be the walk of life in which they were bred I believe the students of this seminary will be found everywhere and at all times promoting civilisation in the world . ’
6 They would not back the union in a political fight with the company , or allow themselves to be used by Clasper in a power struggle between the convener and management .
7 We talk casually of someone drowning in work or drinking themselves to death long before a terminal illness shows itself or their suicidal drive is detected .
8 ( 2 ) That , although the scope of Code C of the Codes of Practice ( 1985 ed. ) extended beyond persons in detention , it was intended to protect suspects who were , or thought themselves to be , vulnerable to abuse or pressure from police officers , and applied where a suspect was being questioned about an offence by a police officer acting as such for the purpose of obtaining evidence ; that , since the appellants were not being questioned by police officers acting as such and conversation was on equal terms , there could be no question of pressure or intimidation by the officers as persons actually or believed to be in authority ; and that , accordingly , Code C did not apply in the circumstances and the judge 's approach could not be faulted ( post , p. 237C–E , H ) .
9 In the past such animals have been models of cleanliness , always asking to go outside before defecating , or confining themselves to a modern litter tray .
10 The children can also watch television on their own set or help themselves to soft drinks from their own bar , which gives Mum and Dad a chance to enjoy a leisurely drink on the verandah .
11 It was n't immediately evident from some camps whether the idea was to continue in a serious vein of rugby competition or subject themselves to the physical demands of the concentrated social calendar .
12 While most of his contemporaries in the conservation world sit behind desks or on committees , Watson and friends race ‘ kamikaze ’ inflatable dinghies in front of Soviet and Japanese whalers ' harpoons or handcuff themselves to the seal hunters ' vessels .
13 Not historic buildings , except for his last home at Schloss Solitude , outside Stuttgart , but elderly , ordinary , slightly shabby houses , planned and built in an earlier age , that had acquired a comfortable individuality in occupation by previous occupants , and lent themselves to his own way of living and working .
14 Departments , including costume and design , have started to operate the system , in which they cost their own services and sell themselves to BBC programmes .
15 I hope I can encourage the uninitiated to go out and treat themselves to several for their Christmas stocking as well as see the value of videos as a valid support technique during the long winter evenings ahead .
16 Creatures often seem to have gone out of their way to find him and display themselves to him .
17 Confronting explicitly collectivist opponents for the first time , the Conservative party , so Fforde contends , stressed the values of the free market , turned to the classical economists to justify non-intervention , and revealed themselves to be doctrinally committed to individualism .
18 During the course of the action , they inflicted heavy casualties on their attackers and revealed themselves to be fierce and resourceful fighters — not amateurs , but professionals of a skill comparable to that of their Roman adversaries .
19 One of those kittenish creatures he remembered from the films of his childhood in the Fifties , clad in waist-high , baby-doll nightdresses , women who seemed to enjoy nothing more than lying back among the yellow nylon sheets and allowing themselves to be strangled .
20 The vampiros , which have wingspans of more than three feet , swoop into their thatch huts late at night and attach themselves to the sleeping miners ' heads , necks and feet .
21 With a detergent in action millions of tadpole-like components , led by their hydrophobic tails , seek out and attach themselves to the surface of dirt at any interface and congregate there in order to avoid the water .
22 Though there have been some disappointments , the Greens in this country and in Europe are very far from extinct , and are consolidating and reforming themselves to be more effective .
23 They would not be there unless they shared the European ideal and believed themselves to be an integral part of the process of European unity .
24 One of the positive aspects of strong bosses is that they fight against injustice , and show themselves to be externally strong characters .
25 But with Rabbi Moishe 's encouragement , with advice and co-operation from the Jewish National Fund leading to a visit by one of their emigration experts to answer questions , resolve doubts , fill in forms and outline all the preparatory steps — by summertime fourteen members of the community had responded to the call and committed themselves to going .
26 Both organizations gave an undertaking to curb violence among their members and committed themselves to political tolerance and freedom of political activity , recognizing the other 's right to exist " with its own policies and programmes " .
27 They also agreed to resume constitutional negotiations , suspended since June [ see p. 38948 ] , and committed themselves to the election of a constituent assembly and the inauguration of a non-racial transitional government as soon as possible .
28 Explaining why the authorities changed their mind and committed themselves to the transfer of land is a prime difficulty in the history of the emancipation .
29 Whereas in the early church believers were discipled through the teaching and corporate life of the Christian community , the third and fourth centuries saw many of the devout withdrawing to the Egyptian and Syrian deserts to pray and give themselves to spiritual warfare .
30 They indicate that their holders identify with their society and hold themselves to be under an obligation to obey the law which they regard as expressing that attitude .
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