Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] requires a " in BNC.

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1 Western science — like our medicine — is notoriously dismissive of anything that smacks of the spiritual life that our civilisation seems so carelessly to have thrown away.Yet if we are to survive for another thousand years , we desperately need to rediscover this aspect of being human ; not only as a reaction to the yuppie ‘ me first ’ generation of the Eighties but as the only means of re-establishing the synergy between man and planet.This requires a radical shift in our attitudes .
2 Exploration for gold and silver requires a licence from the Crown Estate Commissioners , as in Great Britain .
3 The maintenance of friendships and relationships requires a certain amount of deliberate effort and hard work : they have to be developed and cultivated .
4 The case of the flutes and oboes requires a little more judgement , for , if the chord were high-placed , dovetailing would result in the 1st oboe playing in its thinnest and least effective register , e.g. .
5 Using an 8-bit sound sampler board with Atari , Archimedes or Amiga computers for sound analysis in physics and biology requires a sample rate of at least twice the highest signal frequency — around 20kHz .
6 Translating inventions into marketable products and services requires a delicate balance between uniformity and diversity ; innovation flourishes in this milieu and needs the pressure of both .
7 Oil and gas systems are similar to each other , but oil requires a large storage tank and a reliable delivery service .
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