Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] provide a " in BNC.

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1 Not only does a story or novel provide a safe distance from the experience but it also enables far deeper knowledge of people than is common in real life .
2 Matching 9″ bag and accessories provide a complete ensemble of colour coordinates .
3 But the categories and frequencies provide a useful commentary on the ways schools chose to implement the main managerial aspect of PNP policy , as contained in the various documents and courses relating to the coordinator role .
4 Scanning and monitoring provide a picture of what has already taken place and what is happening .
5 Pistoletto and Heinrichsmeyer provide a foretaste
6 The collapse of imperial power in Gaul and Germany , and the activities of the Visigoths and Burgundians provide a necessary background for early Merovingian history .
7 Stable furrows , ridges and hillocks provide a range of environmental conditions which plants select according to their needs .
8 In teaching and thinking about company law one of the themes which we can not afford to ignore is the way in which legal doctrine and scholarship provide a mode of legitimating corporate managerial power which draws on a set of background assumptions of political theory .
9 Through the twin heritage of Christianity and the Renaissance , the ancient world has largely shaped the culture and civilisation of Europe , and its languages , literatures , history , art and archaeology provide a rich and complex field of study .
10 Furthermore , both Lichtheim and Barth provide a critique of Marx 's concept of ideology that treats it as similar to that of Destutt .
11 Some products and places provide a few exceptions to this pattern , as we shall discover in the next chapter , and there were considerable , if patchy and delayed , efforts towards ‘ re-industrialization ’ ( Chapter 10 ) , which created the estimated increase of manufacturing employment across all regions of the North from 1987 to 1989 , averaging 1.4 per cent , probably arrested by 1990 .
12 Although in chronological terms the Black Scholes option pricing model came first in 1973 , the binomial analyses developed by Cox , Ross and Rubinstein and Rendleman and Bartter provide a conceptually easier introduction to the problem of valuation .
13 While he and Holly are exploring the caves and valleys of Ayesha 's African kingdom , Leo loves and is loved by Ustane , whose human warmth and generosity provide a contrast to the exalted claims and petulant jealousies of Ayesha .
14 As the society becomes industrialized , the family loses its education and work functions to other institutions which develop to cater for them ; schools educate and factories provide a workplace .
15 Duncan and Goodwin provide a conceptual framework for understanding the differential forms that these local political processes take , by claiming that particular local policies arise through the uneven development of a whole range of economic , social , cultural and political relations .
16 Surviving photographs and prints provide a visual impression of the dormeuse 's proportions .
17 At ground level geraniums and hostas provide a contrasting foliar foil to neat gravel .
18 And strong cultural norms of open participation , shared communication , and emphasis on task-relevant knowledge as the basis for credibility and authority provide a vehicle for bringing the local knowledge into decision making .
19 In the third and fourth years courses in Palaeoecology , Palaeoeconomy , Quaternary Environmental History and Culture and Environment provide a practical and theoretical core around which students may build particular specialist interests in archaeology and the environmental sciences .
20 Feher , Heller and Markus provide a critique of the ‘ bureaucratic class ’ thesis from the perspective of the structural determinants of social strata .
21 Management development opportunities through shadowing managerial roles and processes provide a contrast and comparison for reflection on the management of education .
22 The studies of Thieblot and Haggard , and Grant and Wallace provide a useful checklist of those features of a ‘ strike setting ’ which make it particularly conducive to disorder .
23 Although a whole fashion can not be reversed by a single book , Gurin and Bennett provide a scientific analysis of dieting and why most people should n't do it .
24 Daily feeding displays , talks and demonstrations provide a chance to gain a real insight into this marvellous underwater world .
25 TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRES AND POINTS provide a local bed booking service and information packs .
26 Does Mr Baker really believe that such dishonesty and repression provide a ‘ strong family background ’ ?
27 A further implication is that , although standards and routines provide a basis for self-reward in housework , they also make possible less happy outcomes .
28 To the west of the river a chain of trackways and paths provide a more appealing route .
29 Any successful business person will know that the lack of common vision , sense of direction and purpose provide a tested recipe for failure .
30 While geraniums and nasturtiums provide a perfect balance of foliage and flowers for your box , evergreen plants with interesting leaves , berries or flowers add variety and height throughout the year .
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