Example sentences of "[noun prp] threw [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Bernice threw herself at another of the creatures .
2 Following through in a single smooth action , Manville threw himself to the ground and rolled out of the doorway on to the sidewalk .
3 Scott threw himself with enthusiasm into this exacting assignment .
4 Concern 's chief executive , Aengus Finucane , in Somalia on a visit , said : ‘ Wendy Murphy , a nurse who was with Valerie , said Valerie threw herself to the floor of the car when the shooting started .
5 Richard threw himself on the floor screaming !
6 Tammuz threw himself into a chair and put his feet up on the edge of his workstation .
7 Rudyard Kipling threw himself with zest into his offering for the library , choosing several poems , among them ‘ If ’ and ‘ The Road through the Woods ’ .
8 Gerard threw himself on the floor .
9 It was 3-0 just before half-time as Shearer threw himself at the ball .
10 Jessica threw herself onto the floor on top of him , and put her tongue into his open mouth and kissed him till he smothered , rubbing her wet vagina hard onto his knee and thigh .
11 ‘ It 's out of the question , ’ he responded harshly , but Melanie threw herself against him .
12 Helplessly , Harry stood silent as Cora-Beth threw herself into her father 's arms .
13 Jumping off , Perdita threw herself into Dancer 's arms , hugged the twins , and then turned more shyly to Ricky .
14 Jezrael threw herself to her knees beside him , not daring to touch his rag-doll body .
15 Returning to the main cavern at a dead run , Ace threw herself to the side as a cluster of boxes not far off exploded with a sharp blast , hurling several of the defenders into he oily waters .
16 Stray shots buzzing all around , Ace threw herself behind a large fallen stalactite a few yards from the sandbags , just as her ammunition ran out .
17 Owen threw himself over the wall and dropped down .
18 Desperately Moore threw himself to one side , and saw the rope fall harmlessly to the floor .
19 C. T. threw himself into Christian activity with the same discipline and dedication he had given to cricket , and determined to join another well-known Cambridge athlete , Stanley Smith the oarsman , in the then little-known China Inland Mission led by J. Hudson Taylor [ q.v . ] .
20 Gabriel threw herself towards him .
21 Davide threw himself on it to stop her pulling it off altogether with the bowl of fruit and the jug of water and glasses with it ; so they grappled , and in the contact something gave way , melted within them both and they clung together , aching in their heads and their bones as if they 'd been caught out on the mountains in the winter and been chilled to the marrow .
22 Claudia threw herself into the rehearsal for the show , trying to conquer her nerves by sheer will-power .
23 Leila threw herself on Quincx , gabbling about what happened .
24 At about two o'clock there was an explosion so close that Anne threw herself across her mother to protect her .
25 When he stopped the car on the way home Sally threw herself at him .
26 After giving up her interior decoration business two years ago , Sally threw herself into the couple 's current venture , Harry Hares , a brasserie in Cirencester specialising in English food .
27 Hoover threw himself into the campaign .
28 With a wail Jenny threw herself on the bed and buried her face in her pillow .
29 Filled with a restless , fevered energy that set every nerve twangling and pumped her blood full of adrenalin , Evelyn threw herself into her work as if the sheer force of her will could drive the hands of the clock round more swiftly .
30 In the closing minutes of the half Collins threw himself in the way of yet another Coyle attempt after dropping Marty McCaffrey 's free kick to keep his goal intact at the interval .
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