Example sentences of "[noun prp] argued that the " in BNC.

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1 Olive Maguiness argued that the scholarship system itself was dysgenic because of its effects on social mobility ; she wrote that the bright members of the working class were removed from their environment , which encouraged fertility , and encouraged to defer child-bearing in favour of career .
2 Taking a more liberal line than the bishop , Temple argued that the finger of God was to be discerned in the laws of nature , not in the current limits of scientific knowledge .
3 In his brilliant pamphlet , Europe and the Constitution after Maastricht , produced for the Society of Conservative lawyers , Martin Howe argued that the Community law can already be conceived as being on a higher level than national law :
4 Rejecting pluralist and other writings as a conscious decision by academies to defend the privileges which this new system of power gave to them through military and industrial contracts , Mills argued that the power elite could be defined in terms of the institutional positions which people commanded in society .
5 Aristotle argued that the polis allowed free men to take public decisions , for the good of the citizens and not simply for the private material advantage of the most powerful .
6 Gower argued that the evidence from the United States shows that regulation does not affect market efficiency either beneficially or adversely .
7 While the Romantic artists challenged materialism at the emotional level , the exponents of Naturphilosophie argued that the material world was merely a projection of a deeper , spiritual reality .
8 The image used by Spitzer of the " philological circle " , the circle of understanding , is more appropriate Spitzer argued that the task of linguistic-literary explanation proceeded by the movement to and fro from linguistic details to the literary " centre " of a work or a writer 's art .
9 Kant argued that the distinction between numerical and qualitative identity can be meaningfully drawn only in the domain of the phenomenal ; i.e. within the context of space and time , which , according to him , are the " forms of our intuition " and not properties of things in themselves .
10 Marx and Engels argued that the ruling class , for example , is obliged to control the dissemination of information and education to prevent the exploited class from thinking dangerous thoughts .
11 Rather Marx and Engels argued that the ruling class conditions the thought of the exploited class , a notion elaborated by the Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci in his concept of hegemony ( Femia , 1981 ) .
12 On the one hand , Kautsky argued that the state was an instrument of the ruling class , and that it ‘ will not cease to be a capitalist institution until the proletariat has become the ruling class ’ ( Kautsky , 1971 , p. 110 ) .
13 Weber and Schumpeter argued that the disparities between liberal democratic ideals and values can be by-passed , and that the feasible levels of popular control are realized in representative government .
14 A delegate from Mexico argued that the United States had become the centre of gravity of imperialism , and it was this growing awareness of the importance of the United States which prompted the Comintern 's rising interest in Latin America , as the ‘ colonial , economic base of the new imperialism .
15 Mitterrand argued that the Treaty diminished the power of the Commission in Brussels ( largely by increasing the areas under inter-governmental control , although there were some increased powers for the European Parliament ) .
16 Yet it is Gften argued that the successful adjustment to a major loss makes the person better able to deal with future losses ( e.g. Caplan , 1964 ) .
17 Brushing aside Allen 's pleas not to ‘ take as selfish view of Socialism , a national view ’ , Wheatley argued that the ‘ Living Wage ’ strategy would only work if import duties were introduced to prevent foreign capitalists , employing sweated labour , from reaping the benefit of the increased demand in the British economy .
18 Keynes argued that the slump was the result of deficient demand , and that the level of unemployment could only be remedied by increased government expenditure , financed by the printing and sale of government bonds .
19 In his study of the Women 's Christian Temperance Union ( WCTU ) , Gusfield argued that the movement shifted from assimilative to coercive reform as the old middle class lost ground to upwardly mobile immigrant groups and the new middle classes .
20 Influenced by a learned correspondent , Girolamo Mei , a philologist and student of ancient Greek music and drama who rightly believed Greek music to have been monodic ( but seemingly supplied Galilei with thirteenth-century Byzantine melodies to Mesomedes ' hymns under the impression that they were ancient ) , Galilei argued that the polyphonic ‘ music of today is not of great value for expressing the passions of the mind by means of words , but is of value merely for the wind and stringed instruments , from which the ear … desires nothing but the sweet enjoyment of the variety of their harmonies …
21 Darwin argued that the study of embryonic stages was important for working out these relationships because the embryo would be less affected than the adult form by the adaptive modifications upon which evolution was based .
22 In his Philosophie anatomique of 1818–22 , Geoffroy argued that the basic similarity that allowed all the vertebrates to be assigned to a single type of organization reflected something more than mere engineering efficiency .
23 Ministers from Germany , France and Ireland argued that the latest proposals potentially undermined the basis of the EC common agricultural policy ( CAP ) .
24 The ANC argued that the decision should be left to the constituent assembly itself , which is expected to be elected by the middle of next year by universal franchise .
25 Hearst argued that the ordinary common law meaning of the term employee , in contra-distinction to independent contractor , should be used .
26 More optimistically , Hall argued that the zones would be about enterprise , growth and innovation .
27 Some years ago , W. G. Hoskins argued that the Domesday Book entries for Devon referred to hamlets and farmsteads rather than villages , and that any particular vill comprised a whole series of villein farms .
28 IBM argued that the market should be analysed as a whole , in which the IBM share was considerably less ( Brock , 1975 ; Fisher et al. ,
29 In their response to the Houghton Report which preceded the Act in 1972 , BASW argued that the law should not allow parental responsibilities to be removed ( under Section 2 of the 1948 Act ) unless there were good reason to suppose that the local authority 's judgment of the child 's interests was better than the parents ' .
30 Edward 's treatment of his youngest sons was markedly lacking in generosity , and noted by contemporaries : in a political sermon delivered during the crisis of 1376 Thomas Brinton Bishop of Rochester argued that the king should place his sons above the servants , for it was not right and just that servants should become lords and lords beggars .
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