Example sentences of "[noun prp] argued that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As with Hitler 's nazis , Blackshirts argued that in using weapons they were merely copying the tactics of their opponents .
2 Bickerman argued that in antiquity big enterprises of translation were due to public , not private , initiative .
3 Van den Boogaard argued that in entering Anglo-Norman , fabliaux underwent a radical transformation because they were aimed at such an isolated audience ; an audience isolated from the full French literary frame of reference that a truly French audience would have had .
4 Frege argued that in asserting an existential proposition one is in effect saying something about the relevant concept , namely that certain things fall under it , or , conversely , that nothing falls under it , i.e. that the concept is empty , as the case may be .
5 Newman argued that as a commitment in the light of evidence that can not be treated as proof , religious belief is like rather than unlike other forms of belief .
6 An English observer much involved in these problems complained of Russian diplomats in 1673 that " it is their Custome , to think , whatsoever they get , too little , and whatever they give , too much " , while in 1698 an embassy sent by the Emperor Leopold I to Moscow argued that in future , to avoid such disagreements , the tsar and the Holy Roman Emperor should each be responsible for the maintenance of their own embassies in the way now generally accepted in Europe .
7 Beyen argued that in the long term the ‘ sector ’ approach to co-operation would have to face up to the need for an all-embracing ‘ common market ’ reducing all trade barriers between the Six .
8 Athletico argued that with so much spontaneous combustion in the air it was dangerous for the game to continue and the referee should abandon it there and then .
9 Laffer argued that with a high tax rate , say a move to a lower one , say , would raise actual income , recorded income and tax revenue .
10 Cantril argued that on the whole , the less educated were the most gullible .
11 In an article published in the early 1970s , Nicholas Tyacke argued that during the period from 1560 to 1625 there was a common predestinarian Calvinist heritage within the English church , shared by both prelates and Presbyterians alike , against which Laud and his supporters firmly set their faces in the 1630s .
12 Dr Jaleel argued that in the country 's more economically deprived areas , the pressure on the health service is far worse .
13 On the basis of his own findings Moscovitch argued that in the normal brain the right hemisphere has little or no language .
14 Indeed , Marx argued that in most cases , because the social system is based on exploitation , people have to be consciously unaware of the basis of society if they are to continue working it .
15 Enthoven argued that by separating the purchase of health care from its provision and management , and subjecting providers to an element of competition for contracts , providers would now have a financial incentive to cut costs , improve quality and be more responsive to what consumers wanted .
16 As we have already seen , Bukharin argued that with the domination of state capitalist trusts in the period leading to the internally by the rational organisation of production .
17 Levy and Sarrat argued that as the US market index had a mean return of 12.1 per cent and a standard deviation of 12.1 per cent , international diversification improved portfolio characteristics by reducing risk .
18 Olson argued that in fact collective action is remarkably difficult to secure for some groups .
19 Dr John Hapgood argued that despite the coma there was still hope Tony could recover .
20 McFarlane argued that on balance England did not lose from the war , and if one thinks in strict cash terms , the evidence supports him .
21 Speaking against the movement C Hughes argued that by passing this they would ‘ be voting for pacifism , and there would be no patriotic Stratford society after that ’ ( SE 3 August 18 ) .
22 He suppressed political perhaps , but Marenches argued that by the standards of the Orient , SAVAK was not that brutal .
23 Although it did not rule out a return to multiparty politics per se , the PNDC argued that in the past this had only bred " hatred , division and bloodshed " .
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