Example sentences of "[noun prp] has [been] told " in BNC.

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1 Hauser has been told he can negotiate his own move away from the second division club .
2 Unlucky 17-year-old Simon Sterritt from Newry has been told he will never sit behind the wheel of the vehicle — because he was too young to enter the competition in the first place .
3 The Ministry of Defence has denied negligence , although Mr Ferrante has been told that RAF rules governing training at Brize Norton have been changed .
4 Alan McLeary 's proposed £400,000 transfer to Wimbledon following a six-match loan period has been called off because Dons manager Joe Kinnear has been told he must sell first .
5 Mr Ritchie has been told by legal counsel that this new evidence in their opinion provides substantial grounds for Mr Lang to order a retrial or a full reinvestigation of the case , but assessment of the appeal documents is at an early stage .
6 Northants ' Rhodesian-born allrounder Kevin Curran has been told by the TCCB that he must wait until Oct 1994 before becoming England-qualified for registration purposes .
7 Fr Cunningham has been told that whenever he feels he has had enough he can retire to the house he 's living in .
8 Mrs Falconer has been told that her post as senior lecturer can no longer be funded by the new university .
9 Meanwhile Mrs Wranklin has been told she does n't need to pay up .
10 Now Philip McKenna has been told the council is pulling the block from under him .
11 McHale has been told that he must put together a side capable of reaching at least the play-offs next season .
12 Jackson has been told by the specialist how close he came to losing an eye .
13 A fund-raiser planning to tour Europe in a Reliant Robin has been told that the feat wo n't earn him a place in the record books — because he 's one wheel short .
14 A fund-raiser planning to tour Europe in a Reliant Robin has been told that the feat wo n't earn him a place in the record books — because he 's one wheel short .
15 Lord Young has been told that , if the report were published , police inquiries might have to stop and it would be hard to find an unbiased jury for any criminal case .
16 Billy has been told his job with social services at Essex Council is safe — even if he becomes an Essex girl .
17 But the church of Christ has been told that the ‘ gates of hell shall not prevail ’ against her .
18 BECAUSE DUDLEY MOORE has been told to turn up at his restaurant at Venice Beach , California at 2.30 pm to tell me his version of the story of his life , then Dudley Moore more or less dudleys into his restaurant at Venice Beach , California and joins me at a corner table where I 've been waiting to hear his story .
19 At least Gooch has been told he does not need an operation on a troublesome knee and will be fully fit for the start of the season .
20 Audrey Spooner has been told she must get planning permission — or close down .
21 Our heart pumps faster , and we take a firm grip on the large , green-and-white golf umbrella by which Denice has been told to recognize us .
22 PAUL Murnin has been told that he will never play again because of the horrific injury sustained against Crusaders earlier this season .
23 ‘ My lord of Atholl has been told , ’ Thorfinn said .
24 One of the Bosian evacuees who was treated at hospital in Oxford has been told he wont be able to return home for several months .
25 Sheffield referee John Key actually awarded the free kick in Saunders ' favour but Elliott has been told that the official 's decision would not necessarily prejudice any claim .
26 AN elephant in Dublin Zoo had its trunk severed by a visiting elephant from Chester Zoo , the Dail has been told .
27 The Diocese of Durham has been told that in 1992 budgets must be cut by £120,000 , equivalent to the stipends of nine clergy .
28 John Jones has been told more money will be available from the first of April and he can expect his knee operation in the next year .
29 Andrew Hayton has been told he must serve another fifteen months for causing the death of Sergeant Simon Lilley .
30 John Major has been told by constitutional lawyers that he could ignore Parliament and use the royal prerogative to sign the treaty bill if he faced the prospect of defeat .
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