Example sentences of "[noun prp] 's attitude to " in BNC.

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1 However , it is through an unexpected connection with the Pre-Raphaelites which is most useful to an analysis of Walker 's attitude to , or treatment of , women in her images .
2 Jeff 's attitude to Cicciolina can be shockingly normal — in a predictable male way .
3 Branson 's attitude to his bank had always veered between naivety , respect — and evasiveness .
4 To this the magazine responded : " We note that Mr Arkell 's attitude to damages will be governed by the nature of our reply and would therefore be grateful if you could inform us what his attitude to damages would be , were he to learn that the nature of our reply is as follows : fuck off " .
5 The ambiguity of Jacques Chirac 's attitude to the National Front helped destroy his bid for the Presidency last year , and with it the credibility of the opposition to President Mitterrand .
6 The URA 's attitude to investor participation in the EPL scheme was ambivalent .
7 But there was no sentimentality in Gould 's attitude to birds , and he was , for the times , extraordinarily misanthropomorphic in his descriptions of them .
8 The apparent indifference seems to have spread to Lendl 's attitude to the remainder of this year .
9 Certainly , Jacques passed on Green 's approbation of Barker 's attitude to Hampden Jackson and Douglas-Smith a few days after the late February meeting :
10 Although Eurotunnel 's attitude to Trans Manche Link , the contractors ' consortium , was more conciliatory yesterday than has been the case , there are still important differences to be settled .
11 Vulgar perhaps , but how honest , realistic and uncomplicated Dolly 's and Gertrude 's attitude to sex appeared in comparison to the modern cult of ‘ luv ’ , with its tedious machinery of psychology , pop songs , broken-heart columns and cinematic sex-symbols .
12 It all adds up to some very big changes , not only in direction but also in the whole philosophy of Russia 's attitude to the West .
13 Two recent novels will illustrate Barth 's attitude to used-up forms and his move towards a new synthesis .
14 A black girl with an Afro haircut then asked what was Grunte 's attitude to the Third World .
15 The devil in such details could come to infect Germany 's attitude to the EC as a whole .
16 Lucie 's attitude to it was a mixture of contempt and childlike delight .
17 One of his secretaries Colville tells us that Churchill 's attitudes to clergymen had a touch of King Henry II 's attitude to Thomas Becket .
18 Jane Collier 's attitude to female authorship is unclear , but Henry Fielding , in a letter from Lisbon in 1754 , praised her ‘ for an understanding more than female , mixed with virtues almost more than human ’ .
19 Fairly early in Take a girl like you , Patrick delivers himself of an unqualified condemnation of women , which is followed by a sentence from the narrator concerning and presumably condemning Patrick 's attitude to Jenny at that stage , as a girl to be taken and left : ‘ He wanted more than his share of her before anybody else had any . ’
20 We shall discuss the attitudes of the arts students towards science later ; however , it is worth noting that Colin 's attitude to science bore a marked resemblance to some of the English students ' attitudes towards their subject .
21 The second is Mrs Whitehouse 's attitude to homosexuality and homosexuals , which became quite a major issue during the course of the case .
22 Mrs Whitehouse 's attitude to homosexuals and homosexuality , though , is somewhat more complex than was perhaps allowed for at the time .
23 This underlying concern still shapes Moscow 's attitude to bodies such as ASEAN and it expresses a growing resentment over the limitations of Moscow 's policy of military denial in the Third World in this decade .
24 Nenna 's attitude to truth was flexible , and more like Willis 's than Richard 's .
25 Rune was made of sterner stuff , possessing an iron will and sense of purpose and duty that in comparison left Marcus 's attitude to life looking lightweight and immature .
26 Christie 's attitude to training had been casual , to say the least .
27 ‘ I doubt if her attitude to Johnny was much different to Sarah 's attitude to her boy , but the old lady is a sight cleverer than Sarah ; she did n't let it show . ’
28 He had many times been reduced to helpless rage by Graham 's attitude to his subjects , by his refusal to give science stories the importance Mike believed they had , but at least he was consistent in his attitudes .
29 William Assheton 's attitude to the design of the conversion was based on the view that although the building might function as a house , it ought still to be recognisable as a church .
30 There also seems to be a stress on the function of bishops which fits with Bethurum Loomis ' view of Wulfstan 's attitude to them late in his life .
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