Example sentences of "[noun prp] had joined the " in BNC.

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1 As I remember it was one morning a little while after my father and Miss Kenton had joined the staff , I had been in my pantry , sitting at the table going through my paperwork , when I heard a knock on my door .
2 Spain and Portugal had joined the system as observers in November 1990 , in the hope of joining in June 1991 [ see pp. 37535 ; 37870 ] .
3 Applegarth had joined the International Working Men 's Association ( the First International ) in January 1865 , a few months after its foundation , and at the third congress in Brussels in June 1868 he was elected chairman of the general council .
4 Richard had joined the birdwatching society hoping to make friends and been disappointed when the membership dwindled in consequence ; now he found himself surrounded by eager acolytes .
5 Desmond and Dominic had joined the Cheshire Regiment and Shaun the Royal Air Force , so the Anderson house seemed very quiet .
6 Carrington and Benson had joined the Wingco in the control room when they 'd received the radar tip-off , and heard him cursing under his breath .
7 It was before Spain had joined the Common Market and United Biscuits ' efforts to acquire a suitable company in one of the EEC countries had come to nought .
8 Spain had joined the ERM in June 1989 [ see p. 36741 ] .
9 In September 1934 the USSR had joined the League of Nations , and six months later they signed a pact with France .
10 It was also announced that Sudan and Zaïre had joined the PTA , bringing total membership to 18 .
11 On March 9 the Georgian Supreme Soviet had declared illegal the treaties of 1921-22 by which Georgia had joined the Soviet Union , calling the Red Army occupation which had preceded them " an international crime " .
12 James Hamilton had joined the British Army at the outbreak of war .
13 Daak had joined the group and was standing behind Ace .
14 Earlier , on Oct. 5 , 1989 , Yvon Briant , president of the National Centre of Independents and Peasants ( Centre national des indépendants et paysans — CNIP ) announced that 14 former leading members of the FN had joined the CNIP .
15 Scandinavia was , after all , not a very important trading partner now Britain had joined the EC .
16 But its existence meant that Britain had joined the other major states of Europe in providing herself with a minister and an administrative machine designed to conduct and control foreign policy .
17 Chancellor John Major told the Commons Britain had joined the E M S as the time was right .
18 At the trial , it was established that Nelson had joined the UDA in 1972 , and offered his services to military intelligence in 1983 .
19 Murtach and Ratagan had joined the council , and Riven was left largely to his own devices .
20 Martyn Lewis had joined the company in Cardiff as a reporter .
21 His second son Francis had joined the partnership , which the two brothers now carried on together .
22 Catherine Crane had joined the division three months ago , creating a major upheaval .
23 Pamela had joined the youth club and found it enjoyable .
24 The most significant was in the middle of a prison riot when Gary had joined the roof-top protestors to escape the violence of psychopaths who were systematically tearing the prison apart inside .
25 When Wycliffe returned to the bookshop Dr Franks 's Porsche had joined the line of vehicles down one side of the street and it was raining .
26 Even before the last Albert Hall rally , Joyce and Mosley had joined the street fight .
27 Greece had joined the EC in 1981 and hoped to enter the European monetary system ( EMS ) by 1995 .
28 A few weeks after Shanti had joined the family , we took her to see Michael 's mother , both of us feeling a little nervous .
29 Alan Smith had joined the paper in 1962 from the local Liverpudlian press and had gained kudos/notoriety from being one of The Beatles ' early champions .
30 He withdrew to his favourite castle at Chinon and there , on 6th July he died , having learned at the last that his favourite son John had joined the rebels against him .
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