Example sentences of "[noun prp] to [art] church " in BNC.

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1 But it was a happy McAllister who arranged the stall with Matey , joked with Mr Sands , and then in the afternoon after lunch walked with Dr Neil and Matey to the church hall .
2 The route most trodden by tourists , from St Mark 's Square to the church of the Frari , is to be given an audio-guide circuit .
3 A substantial track led in Coleridge 's day from Withycombe to the church , and past the farmhouse flowed a noisy brook on its short journey to the sea .
4 Part of a letter from Jesus to the church .
5 So says Christ to the church in Philadelphia .
6 As soon as our focus of attention moves from Christ to the Church we move towards ecclesiastical deification and our evangelism is in great danger of degenerating into proselytism .
7 After his ablutions , finding the house still quiet , he left and went back down Cheapside to the church of St Mary Le Bow .
8 Moreover , between 793 and 796 Aethelheard but not Hygeberht subscribed to a grant of land by Offa to the church of Worcester within the archdiocese of Lichfield ( CS 272 , 273 : S 146 ) , and in 796 to a grant of land also in Hwiccian territory by Ecgfrith , king of the Mercians , Offa 's son and short-lived successor , again without Hygeberht ( CS 277 , 278 : S 148 ) .
9 705–9 ) , whose father , Sigehere , may have married into the ruling family of the Hwicce , gave land as sub-king in the territory of the Hwicce to the church of Worcester in the reign of Coenred ( CS 123 : S 64 ) .
10 Macaulay wrote , ‘ To represent Charles as a martyr in the cause of episcopacy is absurd … the attachment of Charles to the Church of England was altogether political … . ’
11 Although not approving of church-going , Herr Nordern offered to drive Omi and Erika to the church but , the day being bright and sunny , the offer was declined .
12 He was put to the law , and his brother John to the church , indicating a family of means .
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