Example sentences of "[noun prp] led to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Their discovery helped overthrow the medieval concept of the Solar System and a few decades later , by a method that I shall not describe , observations of Io led to the first determination of the speed of light , which until then was thought by many philosophers to be infinite .
2 Tip-offs by former Stasi officers who had fled to West Germany led to a spate of arrests during 1990 .
3 Visits to Fitzwilliam 's other residence at Wentworth Woodhouse led to an interest in geology , particularly the carboniferous plant fossils found in coalmines in Yorkshire and Derbyshire .
4 At a conference organized in June 1950 by the Liturgical Institute of Trier , a lecture by Romano Guardini led to a resolution calling upon the German bishops to request Rome to move the long Holy Saturday service from the early morning to the late evening , thus again making it the vigil service it once had been .
5 Conversation with Zaccheus led to a radical change of heart and consequently of direction .
6 June : A visit by French President Mitterrand led to the announcement that France had accepted Madagascar 's claim , supported by a UN vote in 1980 , to the islands of Les Glorieuses , Juan de Nova , Europa and Bassas de India , which had been under French control since 1882 .
7 Some of the least attractive features of Liverpool society emerged in May 1985 , when a riot of Liverpool football supporters at the Heysel football stadium in Brussels led to the death of many Italian football fans at the European Cup Final between Liverpool and Juventus of Turin .
8 The assassination of Kashmir 's leading Moslem cleric in mid-May led to a serious deterioration in the security situation in the Kashmir Valley after weeks of relative calm .
9 The NUS paper presented to Whitley led to the Group 's decision to allocate two re-assigned Model 30s for student computing use , as per item ( 2 ) above .
10 In the 43rd minute United took the lead when involvement by Aaron Gardiner and Brian Devereux led to the ball being pulled across from the left to the far corner of the penalty area .
11 Iraq 's invasion of Kuwait led to the abandonment by the UAE of a traditional policy of neutrality and to a welcome for the deployment of the military forces of the US-led coalition in the region .
12 The period of glasnost and perestroika under Gorbachev led to a great burgeoning of group activity throughout the republics .
13 Two risings under Henry VII followed attempts to levy taxes ; in 1489 the earl of Northumberland lost his life at the hands of a force of rebellious Yorkshiremen when he was trying to collect the subsidy granted that year , and in 1497 the levying of a tax for a war with Scotland led to a more serious revolt in Cornwall .
14 It has to do with Italy 's terrifying national public deficit , estimated at L 34,000 billion , which on 26 May led to the money voted by Parliament at the end of January being frozen until October ; this means , for example , that Venice , Italy 's most fragile urban and artistic organism , which was to have had L450 billion spent on its infrastructure this year , is once again unable , for example , to dredge its canals , essential if the city is to avoid being flooded next time there is a high tide .
15 Sympathy for Castro declined in the USA after a series of televised political trials in Cuba led to the execution of former supporters of Batista .
16 In the 1960s , the Soviet Union rapidly discovered that its connection with Cuba led to the complication and distortion of its relations with other Latin American nations at the same time as it presented them with new opportunities in the region .
17 This and the replication in Murchison House , Edinburgh , of courses given at Keyworth led to a substantial increase in staff attendance .
18 Her encounter with Count Alan led to a strange and passionate romance which is now known only from two of Anselm 's letters .
19 The Soviet Union initially regarded the ASEAN community as an American-devised SEATO-type alliance , but growing understanding of ASEAN led to a reversal of this stand ( see below ) .
20 The case of Karamjit Singh Chahal led to the High Court last December ordering the former Home Secretary , Kenneth Baker , to reconsider his decision to deport the man .
21 The admission of Britain , Denmark and Ireland led to the setting up of an effective system of Community ‘ own resources ’ , independent from the finance of the Member States .
22 While the IET mainly encouraged supranationals and European multinationals to issue eurobonds ( partly at the expense of yankee issues ) , the mandatory VRP led to a sharp increase in use of the eurobond market by US firms .
23 In the autumn , however , the Japanese recaptured the airstrips , and an argument between Stilwell and Chiang led to the former being relieved of his command .
24 The critique of the development model of UNESCO led to a number of radical literacy campaigns influenced by the pioneering work of Paolo Freire in Brazil .
25 The following month negotiations between the residents and the IDA led to a compromise , allowing interim dumping at Barnahely until an alternative permanent dump site was found .
26 The extreme case would be when the removal of NTBs led to a domestic monopoly becoming a perfectly competitive market .
27 Throughout 1954 and 1955 the setting up of ITV led to a great exodus of talent from the BBC , attracted , no doubt , by the higher rates of pay advertised by the commercial stations .
28 Andrew Gallagher started uncertainly and two poor passes under pressure to McGarry led to the Instonians try , the only one in a somewhat disappointing game .
29 In 1743 an attack on Bezrukovo near the Ishim led to the deaths of two people , the imprisonment of twenty-six more and the loss of eighty horses .
30 An example can be seen at the Didcot Railway Centre With the fine locomotives designed by Daniel Gooch , the GWR 's broad gauge trains formed the first real expresses and indeed the inaugural train from London to Bristol led to the comment that this must be the only time on record that an engineer had exceeded his promises !
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