Example sentences of "[noun prp] support for [art] " in BNC.

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1 In 1866 an alliance between the Bakufu 's two leading opponents , Satsuma and Chó0shó0 , was signed , ending disagreements which had hitherto prevented concerted action , and depriving the Bakufu of Satsuma support for a military expedition mounted to chastise the more radical Choshú0 for its insubordination .
2 It reaffirmed UN support for the " just struggle " of the people of Bosnia-Hercegovina and demanded the repatriation of refugees and deportees .
3 TUC support for a national limitation steadily eroded , not least because a so-called ‘ Top People ’ pay-review inquiry under Sir Edward Boyle recommended large rises for already well-paid professions such as High Court judges and top civil servants , while the police , the armed services , the dentists , and doctors also benefited from substantial salary rises .
4 In one of those announcements that trigger a double take in observers who find it hard to believe the function had not been available for years , IBM Corp this week finally added Ethernet support for the 3174 cluster controller , long after most users must have given up on the idea and made other arrangements .
5 In Italy support for the war stood at 61 per cent according to an opinion poll published on Feb. 12 .
6 The Ayodhya dispute and the withdrawal of BJP support for the government served to intensify the already serious divisions within Janata Dal , the main constituent of the ruling National Front government .
7 UFC support for the CTI Centre for Sociology and the Political Sciences was continued .
8 Inevitably , US support for a Lebanon dominated by the Phalangists was violently challenged by other Lebanese groups .
9 West Germany was also believed to have cited the case of US support for a ruling in July 1989 [ see p. 37021 ] which lifted controls on the export to eastern Europe of 16-bit microcomputers , a product where the USA was more competitive than the European countries .
10 Aideed 's supporters , angered by what they saw as US support for a rival warlord , Mohamed Said Hersi , stoned and shouted at the US forces , chanting at them : ‘ Go Home Americans ’ and ‘ Down With America . ’
11 Aideed 's supporters , angered by what they saw as US support for a rival warlord , Mohamed Said Hersi , stoned and shouted at the US forces : ‘ Go Home Americans ’ and ‘ Down With America . ’
12 A day after Britain and the Soviet Union cautioned against ‘ hasty steps ’ towards German reunification , Dr Kohl yesterday made a point of citing US support for the desire for German unity .
13 The wide US support for the invasion , extending to the liberal media , including the New York Times and the Washington Post , has startled Latin Americans .
14 The worsening crisis in Poland during 1980 and 1981 , and what was believed to be a Soviet role in the imposition of martial law in December 1981 , made matters worse ; so too did Cuban intervention in Angola , and US support for the Contra guerrillas in Nicaragua .
15 It was reported that among other items under discussion were the questions of US support for the mandatory repatriation of Vietnamese boat people and of US passports for Hong Kong citizens , issues on which the two countries had had differences of opinion during the past year .
16 Concern in Congress over US support for the Cambodian resistance had grown during May and June as CIA reports of the increasing strength of the Khmer Rouge forces indicated that a military victory could no longer be ruled out .
17 Earlier , Mandela had been forthright in his criticism of US support for the Angolan rebel movement UNITA [ see p. 37523 ] .
18 During a five-day trip to South-east Asian countries prior to the Irkutsk meeting , Baker had failed to secure the support of the region 's foreign ministers for the recent significant shift in US policy towards Cambodia [ see p. 37598 ] , involving the withdrawal of US support for the three-party opposition coalition and the opening of direct talks with Vietnam .
19 On Feb. 23 the US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Herman Cohen had met with opposition representatives and President Déby while on a visit to N'Djamena , and had expressed continued US support for the " democratic process in Chad " .
20 Yeltsin and Bush had also agreed in principle that Russian cosmonauts should fly aboard a US space shuttle and conduct joint space walks with US astronauts in October 1993 , and agreed to ( i ) a possible rendezvous and docking mission between the Mir and the US space shuttle in 1994 or 1995 ; ( ii ) possible US participation in a Russian robot mission to Mars ; ( iii ) joint exchange visits by US and Russian aerospace companies to investigate joint ventures and procurement opportunities ; and ( iv ) US support for the first launch of a US-built satellite aboard a Russian Proton rocket .
21 Environment Secretary Michael Heseltine is believed to be sounding out potential US support for the strategy .
22 Mr Christopher 's speech had been planned well in advance but it had the effect of underscoring US support for the Russian president as he battled with hardliners in parliament .
23 Improvements include a template manager , TrueType support for the Powerfont embellishment function and faster file saving and loading .
24 Issues like subsidies for the Airbus consortium , conditions governing the award of public procurement contracts , EC support for the steel industry , the pricing of agricultural products , these are just some of the subjects of bitter dispute between Washington and the Europeans .
25 A primary objective for ODA-funded BGS support for the Geological Survey Department is the training of junior professional and technical staff so that both posts may eventually be filled by local staff .
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