Example sentences of "[noun prp] once [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Dana once said that the real proof of love was the sharing of a single toothbrush by lovers .
2 Sylvia Plath once said that a story should begin with your main character up a ( metaphorical ) apple tree being pelted by someone — and then you deal with the problems arising .
3 In a much quoted statement , Brezhnev once asserted that civilian production accounted for 42 per cent of the output of defence industry itself .
4 Rari Barth once said that ‘ the best apologetic is a good dogmatic ’ .
5 Alexander once said that people want to change and yet still want to remain the same .
6 Such conditions could occur in a very big hydrogen bomb : the physicist John Wheeler once calculated that if one took all the heavy water in all the oceans of the world , one could build a hydrogen bomb that would compress matter at the center so much that a black hole would be created .
7 The educationalist Sir Robert Gould once said that a child being educated in Great Britain could not possibly understand his own environment without understanding something about Christianity ; and he was right .
8 Nigel once remarked that if the meek do inherit the earth , I 'll be lucky to get a window box !
9 Lenin once argued that a political leader is responsible not only for policy but for the action of those who execute it .
10 Arnold Toynbee once argued that it is the ‘ barbaric ’ vital periphery that finally topples a declining civilization , but this maxim does not hold for the Russian Revolution .
11 The late unlamented Field Marshal Goering once said that when he heard the word " Culture " , he reached for his gun ; I feel rather the same about the phrase " continuous sedimentation " .
12 The essayist and physician Havelock Ellis once suggested that thieves might be recognised by their low-lying ears and small heads .
13 ‘ Oscar Wilde once said that children begin by loving their parents ; after a time they judge them ; rarely , if ever , do they forgive them .
14 Dietrich Bonhoeffer once commented that ‘ religious people speak of God when human knowledge has come to an end , or when human resources fail …
15 ( Taylor once said that steel workers are like oxen , both physically' and mentally . )
16 Faintly , he remembered Lavinia once saying that the little girl from Sea House was going to come to the nursery school next term .
17 In fact , Elias Canetti once suggested that if the conductor were to turn fully round during a performance the spell he exerts would be broken .
18 Nothing memorable happened at their only meeting , in a Gloucestershire sanatorium , though Malcolm Muggeridge once remarked that he would have loved to see and hear them together , and it is still open to anyone to write an imaginary conversation of the event .
19 At a footballer 's dinner in Glasgow , the Irish international Liam Brady once joked that McAvennie 's team-mates nicknamed him ‘ Ginger-Pubes ’ , adding with glee , ‘ I can assure you Frank 's blonde hair is n't natural . ’
20 LIKE Neil Kinnock , Des Wilson once said that he wanted to retire at 50 .
21 I remember that Lee once said that it was a good thing so many contemporary artists use shoddy materials because their works would happily disintegrate so future generations would be spared the sight of them .
22 Jesus once said that those who had been shown the greatest mercy by God were the ones who loved him the most .
23 And then someone else at Ladymont once said that it takes two men to rape you .
24 J.B. Priestley once said that it could never quite make up its mind whether it was a port or a resort , but that very ambivalence had saved it from the worst pitfalls of both .
25 Gordon Craig once said that ‘ a bookplate is to the book what a collar is to the dog ’ — a wisecrack not wholly true , since the purpose of the plate is not to enable a book to be led round by its owner , or even for it to be returned by the police when lost .
26 Lady Eden once remarked that she felt as if the Suez Canal was flowing through her drawing room .
27 Peter once said that the true inner self is ‘ the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit , which is of great worth in God 's sight . ’
28 Mrs Thatcher once said that Northern Ireland was as British as Finchley , but the actions of her Government and her successor 's have consistently belied that .
29 Margaret Thatcher once pleaded that it would be the ‘ cruellest thing ’ for her colleagues to unseat her after she had obtained for them more than a decade in power .
30 Although Trollope once remarked that ‘ when we have once learnt what was that picture before which was hung Mrs Ratcliffe 's solemn curtain , we feel no further interest about either the frame or the veil ’ , his remark is valid only for her species of the Gothic .
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