Example sentences of "[vb past] up the telephone " in BNC.

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1 Markby snatched up the telephone receiver lying on the table in the hall .
2 As Blanche snatched up the telephone and listened to the reassuring hum of the dialling tone , she caught sight of herself in the mirror on the wall : the shimmer of sweat on her forehead , eyes wild , face haggard and pale , hair stormy and unkempt , knuckles bruised and sore .
3 He picked up the telephone .
4 It came to him , just like a flash of lightning and he was so excited that he picked up the telephone and rang Dennis Hopper in Los Angeles .
5 In his office , Edouard picked up the telephone .
6 He picked up the telephone , spoke , and then said , ‘ Rohwer is not there . ’
7 Then taking off his tunic and loosening his tie , he picked up the telephone .
8 She picked up the telephone .
9 It then occurred to me that I might be able to help , and I picked up the telephone and spoke to Winston .
10 She picked up the telephone and asked for a courier service .
11 She picked up the telephone and dialled the number recorded in the report for Maurice 's Fifth Avenue apartment .
12 Then she hurried into the hall and picked up the telephone , intent upon speaking to Ursula and demanding an explanation .
13 The MI5 man picked up the telephone and pressed the digits with the forefinger of the same , left hand .
14 To refresh her memory she picked up the telephone , closed her eyes , and recalled how his gloved finger had moved over the first four raised knobs of plastic .
15 Pascoe turned back to the hall , picked up the telephone and dialled .
16 She picked up the telephone receiver , disbelievingly , and dialled the number of the card .
17 Rain packed half her things and then picked up the telephone .
18 Then , before she could have second thoughts , she picked up the telephone and dialled his number .
19 When Kee left the room Conway picked up the telephone .
20 He picked up the telephone .
21 Alyssia was still feeling inordinately pleased with herself when , half an hour later , she picked up the telephone in the little village post office and dialled her father 's direct work line .
22 Sybil picked up the telephone and dabbed at the buttons with a well-scrubbed finger .
23 We sat down and Harvey picked up the telephone .
24 It stared at it for a moment , rubbing its arms , and then it picked up the telephone .
25 He picked up the telephone .
26 Cathy picked up the telephone which stood on a side table .
27 But er , that 's a great advantage when compared with the newly appointed British Ambassador in Washington , who having just arrived in Washington , er picked up the telephone and heard a voice at the other end , say , what do you want for Christmas , it was just before Christmas , what do you want for Christmas , and he thought hastily and , did n't want to be impolite or too greedy , so he said a small box of crystallised fruit , and put the telephone down , and a few momen a few moments later he put on the radio , and the announcer said , we 've just conducted our normal review of the Ambassadors ' wishes for Christmas , er , the the Ambassadors in Washington .
28 Quickly Sophie picked up the telephone and rang through to the house .
29 Satisfied , she picked up the telephone and rang through to Edward 's house , hoping the housekeeper would answer .
30 She picked up the telephone , but he stopped her .
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