Example sentences of "[vb past] up [prep] front " in BNC.

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1 A huge curtain of grey cliff rose up in front of him , the lie of the ground making its appearance seem instant and magical , like scenery in a theatre .
2 The clouds rose up in front of God 's throne .
3 As the car drew up in front of the Lodge with a crunch of gravel , Detective Sergeant Allen strode out to meet them .
4 The huge wooden gates were opened by a legionnaire in combat kit with a FA-MAS assault rifle slung across his chest , and his beret tilted over his right eye ; we drew up in front of a five-storey building and got out .
5 It was raining as we drew up in front of the building and started unpacking our kit .
6 He drew up in front of a pair of wrought-iron gates where he was immediately challenged by a bearded man wearing jeans and a faded black T-shirt .
7 When he brought her back he just drew up in front of the villa , jumped out , opened door , kissed hand , ‘ Bon soir , Madame , ’ and he was off .
8 Across the road , a taxi drew up in front of the august jewellers and a man in pinstripe trousers and black jacket got out , then helped a woman with magnificent grey hair to alight .
9 They were both silent , busy with their own thoughts , apart from her directions , until he drew up in front of the divided house that contained her tiny flat .
10 ‘ You bitch ! ’ he whispered as the car drew up in front of the country house hotel that her father had decided was good enough for the reception to celebrate the wedding of his only daughter to the reigning world champion .
11 They drew up in front of a pair of steel gates topped with spikes .
12 Morse made no reply , and two minutes later Lewis drew up in front of The Randolph .
13 But , fifteen minutes later , it was n't the police station , but one of the local hotels that they drew up in front of .
14 He turned into a dusty side-street and drew up in front of a five-storey block of flats .
15 His attention was jerked back to the issue at hand as the tennis ball bounced up in front of him , hitting him in the face .
16 In one movement Rincewind unrolled and bounced up in front of the little man , his hands gripping his shoulders desperately .
17 He knelt up in front of me , our bodies touching from shoulder to knee , his hands in my hair , his mouth at the side of mine .
18 Higgins , came up in front of snooker 's ruling body , the WPBSA , to answer charges of offences committed during last November 's UK championship in Preston .
19 She came up in front of my parents and said : ‘ Would you like to take this home , put a sample in it and we 'll do a sperm count for you ? ’
20 ‘ And you just got up in front of Henry and those pipsqueaks in your department and said , ‘ Sorry and all that , old chaps , but I 've been wrong all my life and led you into error and wickedness ’ ? ’
21 ‘ Then one of them flew up in front of us .
22 The rest of the journey she went silent , smoking and staring into the distance until Marler pulled up in front of the HQ of World Security in Threadneedle Street .
23 Rufus pulled up in front of the porch .
24 He pulled up in front of the high iron grille gates barring the entrance to a drive , saw in his headlights a speakphone set into one of the brick pillars .
25 He pulled up in front of the stone steps and got out of the car .
26 Roman exclaimed in satisfaction and , turning into a wide drive , pulled up in front of a building that said it was a motor halt .
27 Next morning Jenna got up anyway and she was walking slowly round the garden when Alain pulled up in front of the house .
28 She moved on and pulled up in front of him .
29 Pooley pulled up in front of his apartment building and handed Amiss the keys and the newspapers .
30 She pulled up in front of the massive Moorish-style stone mansion that was Fernando Serra 's home , and Maria Luisa 's , of course .
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